

《My Cousin Chloe》

小猪佩奇中文版百度网盘下载 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/125bzTrkcBCLQUVzUulVZHQ ?pwd=2D72 提取码:2D72 小猪敏搏举佩奇四岁了,是一只腼腆可爱而又有些专横的小猪,与她的弟弟乔治、猪妈妈和猪爸爸生活在一起。

Peppa and George are playing in the garden. To Me,英语小猪佩奇英文版全集第6季,George! You threw the ball too hard,George! So the rules say,I win!(突然想到黄磊回怼徐峥在《向往的生活》里那句,"我有头发那会儿还当过发型模特" "所以说这就是报应")






Can we play something else? Okay,I know a really Good game for big children.It's called "Sly Fox"!(2)I want to play "Sly Fox"! What is it?(这就尴尬了)One person is the "Sly Fox"and the others creep up on them. Me!(2) I want to be the"Sly Fox"! Peppa is the "Sly Fox" While her back is turned,the others creep up on her. But if Peppa turns and sees someone move,they have to go back to the start! George,I saw you move! Back to the start! Got you! I win!(这速度...Peppa被大表姐完虐π_π)You moved before I was ready! The rules say I Can move When I like. Don't they,George? Now it's Chloe's turn to be the "Sly Fox".Peppa and George must stay very still. Whoa... Peppa,I saw you move! Back to the start! It's not fair! You looked too long! The rules say,I Can Look as Long as I want. Back to the start. George is the winner!(大家都很宠George)​​​​​​ ​​

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QLE4-07wEQeCD_zgYKgsGQ?pwd=2D72提取码:2D72 《小猪佩奇第一季中文版》简介:小猪佩奇是一个可爱的但是有些小专横的小猪。风靡全球的粉红色猪小妹。佩琦真可爱。让宝贝们多些阳光。




上一篇 2023年05月24 22:59
下一篇 2023年05月14 07:38

