

get over 克服,战胜,解决(问题,困难);(从不快或疾病中)恢复过来;向……讲清,使……明白

get over that problem 解决那个问题

get over a difficulty 克服困难

get over the shock of her death 从她去世的震惊中恢复过来

get the message over to him 使他明白这条信息的意思

get through 完成(任务),干完(工作);度过,熬过(困难或不愉快的时期);消耗,用完;使……理解,使……明白;用电话联系上某人

We have a lot of work to get through. 我们有许多工作要完成。

get through the winter 熬过这个寒冬

get through ten pieces of paper 用了十张纸

Finally I got through to him. 最终,我让他明白了。

put away 1、音标:[pʊt əˈweɪ]2、释义:收好;把…收起;放好;把…关进监狱;把…送进精神病院 3、短语:put some money away储蓄一些钱。put away all prejudices摒弃一切成见。。

I can't get through to his number. 我打不通他的电话。

get out of 摆脱,逃避

get out of paying taxes 逃税

问题四:把什么收起来,英语翻译 Put something(什么东西) awayput away是一个短语,就是把……收起来。谢谢采纳

get to 到达

get to the hospital

get along with sb与某人和睦相处

get along with his neighbors 与邻居和睦相处

get along with sth 某事进展如何

How are you getting along with your English? 你英语学得怎么样?

get down 下来;写下

get down his name on paper 把他的名字记在纸上

get into 从事,致力于;进入;获准(入学),被录取

get into Peking University 考入北京大学

get away 逃跑,逃脱;离开,脱身

get away from the prison 从监狱逃跑

get back 恢复(原来的状态);回到,重提(原来的话题);取回,找回;对……进行报复

get back to normal 恢复正常

get back to sleep 接着睡

get back to the point 回到正题上来

get back my money 拿回我的钱

get in 收割;当选

get in the crops 收庄稼

put up 张贴,悬挂;举起;提高(价格)

put up a picture on the wall 在墙上贴一张画

put up your hand 举手

put up the price 提高价格

put off 推迟,使……延期

put off the sports meeting 推迟运动会

不同场合下的“收起来”有不同的英文表达。常见的单词或短语有put away;clear away;tidy away;lay off;collect等,下面是摘自iciba写作句库的例句:1.Put those tools away after you finish the work.活干完之后,把。

put on 穿,戴,涂,抹;上演,举办;

put on your coat 穿上大衣

其实主要就是 把。收起;放好 储存 抛弃;放弃 的意思啦~put away 1.把…收起来;存好;放置暂时不用 2.把…收起;储存,积攒 3.把……收起,放好 4.放好,放起来 PUT AWAY 1.把…收起来,放好;储存 。

put on a pair of glasses 戴上眼镜

put on an English play 上演一部英语短剧

put away 把……收起来,放好

Mary,put away your toys. 玛丽,把你的玩具收好。

put out 伸出;扑灭;出版

He put out his hand. 他伸出手。

The fire was put out. 大火被扑灭了。

put out a new book 出版一本新书

14. The police are looking ____ the crime.

A. up

B. at

C. in

D. Into

1.Put those things away and into box.2、工具用完后记得把它收起来.2.Put away the tools after using.

15. -----I _____ an “A” in the test!

----Good job! Keep it up!

A. get

B. will get ​

C. got ​

D. am getting

16. ---How did that accident happen?

—You know,I couldn’t see the road clearly,because it ____ heavily.

A. snowed

Put something(什么东西) awayput away是一个短语,就是把……收起来。谢谢采纳

B. is snowing

C. snows

D. was snowing

﹣ Dear me! It's dangerous.

A. Look out

B. Help yourself

C. What a pity

D. Shut up

18. ---Can I help you?

--- Yes. I bought an iPhone 6 here last week,but there _______ something wrong with it.

A. was ​

B. are​

C. will be ​

D. Is

19. —What's the meaning of “secretary”?

—Let me ________ the word in the dictionary.

A. look at

B. look for

C. look after

D. look up

20. We ______ a walk when it started to rain.

A. take

B. took

C. are taking

D. were taking

“well,I’ll tell her when I ______ her.”

A. see

B. saw

C. will see

D. would see

A. is going to rain

B. is raining

C. will rain

D. won't rain


look into 调查crime 犯罪行为



过去得的,不是现在得的,一般过去时 keep it up 保持住,继续下去


因为正在下大雪accident 车祸,事故


look out 小心,help yourself 别客气,多吃点

what a pity 太遗憾了shut up 闭嘴







look up 查字典




be going to 表示说话人觉得一定会发生的事儿

is raining 不会是进行时表将来,下雨不可能是计划,安排,逻辑上不成立

上一篇 2023年04月22 12:53
下一篇 2023年05月01 19:09

