



英语gou是什么意思,1.勾魂摄魄:have the power to bewitch men; cast a spell; lay an enchantment


4.苟且偷生:drag out an ignoble existence

5.苟全性命:barely manage to survive

7.狗胆包天:monstrously audacious

8.狗拿耗子,多管闲事:a dog trying to catch mice-poke one’s nose into other people’s business

dog n.狗, 犬, 类似犬的动物, 卑鄙的人, 小人, 坏蛋 vt.跟踪, 尾随 doggie n.<儿语> 小狗, 狗, 汪汪 mut n.(=mutt)<俚>狗,杂种狗,傻瓜,无足轻重的人,人 mutt n.蠢人, 笨蛋, 杂种狗 pooch n.<美俚>狗。

9.狗皮膏药:dog-skin plaster; quack medicine

10.狗屁不通:unreadable-rubbish; mere trash

11.狗头军师:a person who offers bad advice; inept adviser; villainous adviser

12.狗尾续貂:a dog’s tail joined to sable—a wretched sequel to a fine work


13.狗血喷头:let loose a stream of abuse against sb. Pour out a flood of invective against sb

狗 [gǒu]基本翻译 dog 网络释义 酷狗:KuGoo|Kucall|Google 狗脊:East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗肾:Dog's Testis and Penis|s Testis and Penis

14.狗眼看人低:be a bloody snob

15.狗咬吕洞宾:snarl and snap at Lyu Dong bin

16.狗仗人势:play the bully with the backing of a powerful person

沟 [拼音] [gou]a ditch a trench a channel 相关词组 电缆沟 a cable tunnel 沟槽 [Military] cannelure; furrow; plow groove 沟槽刨 [Mechanics] a dado plane; a trenching plane 沟流 [Chemistry] a channel 甲。

17.狗彘不如:worse than a cur or a swine

18.狗嘴里吐不出象牙:no ivory issue from the mouth of a dog; a filthy mouth can’t utter decent language; what can you expect from a dog but a bark

Gou的读音为[ɡoʊ]。一、网络释义:能够;任我游;高句;英雄;勾践;这才是夸。二、双语例句:1、Last week, Mr Gou himself rushed to Shenzhen to address the crisis.上周,郭台铭亲赴深圳处理危机。2、Gou 。

上一篇 2023年05月02 16:55
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