


Our memories have no wrinkles,但你依旧是我最初的梦想,but you use to leave the hot end,

永远不要去追一匹马,用心种好你的草地,马自然会来。因为,你的能力要比你的欲望大,才可以有好的生活。 ​​​​

Never chase a horse,plant your grass carefully,and the horse will come naturally. Because your ability is greater than your desire,you can have a good life. ​​​​




If one day I become someone else's groom in my suit and shoes,I will never mention my craziness.

Even if the light stick in my hand becomes a crutch, you are still my original dream.

这世上唯一能够放心依赖终生的那个人,就是镜子里的那个你 ,那个历经挫折却依旧坚强的你 。​ ​​​​

The only person in the world who can safely depend on for life is the one in the mirror,the one who has experienced setbacks but is still strong



When you really like someone,you are most afraid of being bored. I wish I could read 300 chapters every day and night,read all kinds of interesting history,learn all kinds of sweet words and witty words for you. I wish I could open myself up for you. I'm very interesting,I'm interesting and you can see me.


Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait,but worse to regret. ​​​​

No matter what kind of sobs you experience in the middle of the night,how much negative energy you have,wake up in the morning and continue to live,the city is still busy,happy or unhappy,the city has no time to wait,growth is a quiet process,a person can survive some suffering,can do everything. ​​​​

original initial 一般会表示为内心的梦想


The original dream 谐音:日,欧芮金了,俊姆

After a long illness and addiction,you are my medicine,and my world can no longer live without you.

the original dream,缩写为tod,希望我的回答对你有所帮助。英语也诗意团队招人啦!希望各位爱好英语的童鞋加入,只要你喜欢英语,你就可以加入!不要求贡献多少,只求大家图个快乐!我是无痕而殇,有志愿的童鞋请加我并与我。

我想要的生活很简单,当我想买一样东西时,打开钱包一看钱够 ​​​​。

五、就算荧光棒变成了拐杖,你依旧是我最初的梦想。 六、你依然是我最初的梦想,但是和老公一起去,就当跟青春道个别 七、想过要放弃但是一直有种力量时刻提醒我要坚持 这么长时间了凭什么要放弃,是吧 还没有实现自己最初的梦想呢。

I want a simple life. When I want to buy something,I open my wallet and see if it's enough.

上一篇 2023年04月12 17:49
下一篇 2023年05月01 08:11

