



The first chapter"


外刊例句:One teenager ran green and yellow fabric through a sewing machine as he sat beneath a beach umbrella bearing a picture of Angola’s president,第一章到第三张英文,João Lourenço.一名少年坐在一把印有安哥拉总统若昂·洛伦索 (João Lourenço) 照片的沙滩伞下,用缝纫机缝制绿色和黄色的布料。—New York Times

A week later,he won 10 of the 14 Super Tuesday primaries to essentially sew up the nomination.一周后,他赢得了 14 场超级星期二初选中的 10 场,基本上锁定了提名。—Washington Post

基本释意:verbcreate (clothes) with clothv. 缝,缝纫,缝补

同义词:tailor,tailor-make,run up,sew together,stitch

长释义:The word sew comes from the Old English word siwian,to stitch. You can sew a patch on a pair of jeans,sew a dress,or sew up a hole in your grandmother’s old quilt. A figurative meaning of sew,as in the phrase to sew something up,is to secure something or bring it to a happy conclusion,like sewing up the plot in the last chapter of a book. Don’t confuse sew with sow,to plant or set in motion.sew 这个词来自古英语单词 siwian,缝合。你可以在一条牛仔裤上缝一个补丁,缝一条裙子,或者在你祖母的旧被子上缝一个洞。 sew 的比喻意义,就像在短语 to sew something up 中一样,是为了确保某物或将其带入一个幸福的结局,就像在一本书的最后一章中缝合情节一样。不要将缝纫与播种、播种或启动相混淆。

表示第一章“chapter 1“ 比较常用,有时也用 “Volume 1”(多表示第一篇或第一卷)。


Her face is long,her mouth slightly lopsided; something about the top lip is a little skewed,as if it’s been cut open and sewn up crooked.她的脸很长,嘴巴有点歪;上唇有点歪斜,好像被切开缝合歪了一样。—Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood

“第一章”英文:first chapter 读法:英 [fɜːst ˈtʃæptə(r)] 美 [fɜːrst ˈtʃæptər]例句:The first chapter introduces the mea。

词源:sew (v.)”unite or attach (fabric,etc.) by means of thread or similar material,with or without aid of a needle or awl;” Middle English seuen,from Old English siwian “to stitch,sew,mend,patch,knit together,fasten by sewing,” earlier siowian,from Proto-Germanic *siwjanan (source also of Old Norse syja,Swedish sy,Danish sye,Old Frisian sia,Old High German siuwan,Gothic siujan “to sew”),from PIE root *syu- “to bind,sew.”From c. 1200 as “produce or construct (clothing,a garment) by means of a needle and thread.” The intransitive sense of “work with a needle or thread,practice sewing” is by mid-15c. Related: Sewed; sewing. Sewn is a modern variant past-participle.To sew up (a wound,etc.) “close by stitching the edges together” is by late 15c. (Caxton); the modern colloquial sew (something) up “bring to a desired conclusion” is a figurative use attested by 1904.Related entries & more

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