


1.刚愎自用:stubborn; obstinate

2.刚柔相济:couple hardness with softness; temper toughness with gentleness

高楼大厦的英文:tall buildings 读音:美 [tɔːl ˈbɪldɪŋz]释义:n.高楼大厦 例句:The tall buildings have spoiled the view.译文:那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。

3.纲举目张:once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up,all its meshed open

4.钢铁意志:iron will


6.高不成,低不就:be unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one; be unable to achieve one’s hearts desire but unwilling to accept less

7.高不可攀:unattainable; unapproachable


8.高低贵贱:high and low

9.高风亮节:noble character and sterling integrity

摩天大楼翻译为英文是Skyscrapers 麻烦采纳,谢谢!

10.高峰时间:peak hour,rush hour



超级摩天大楼英文,13.高高在上:set oneself high above the masses; be far removed from the masses and reality

14.高歌猛进:stride forward singing songs of triumph; advance triumphantly

16.高架铁路:overhead railway; overhead road

17.高楼大厦:high building and large mansion

18.高朋满座:a great gathering of distinguished guests

摩天大楼英文是skyscraper。其他意思:1、滑雪技巧,将身体向后倾斜,以便在斜坡上保持平衡。2、火柴棒游戏,需要将火柴棒按照特定规则排列以构建“天大楼”。3、 一种高达 150 英尺的高空悬挂滑索运动。第三人称单数:skyscrap。

19.高清晰度:high definition

20.高人一等:tower above the rest; stand head and shoulder above others

21.高山反应:altitude reaction

22.高山流水:high mountains and flowing water; sublime music; understand friends

24.高抬贵手:be magnanimous; be generous; not be too hard on sb

25.高谈阔论:harangue; talk volubly; indulge in loud and empty talk

27.高原反应:altitude stress;altitude sickness

28.高瞻远瞩:take a broad and long view

高楼大厦写成英语是:skyscraper skyscraper 读音:英 ['skaɪskreɪpə(r)]     美 ['skaɪskreɪpər]释义:n. 摩天大楼 例句:A new skyscraper has been put up downtown。.

29.高枕无忧:sit back and relax

30.搞特殊化:use one’s position to pursue personal perquisites and privileges

31.搞在一起:get mixed up with

32.槁木死灰:dead tress and cold ashes-complete apathy

33.告老还乡:retire and return to one’s native place

34.告一段落:be brought to a temporary close

上一篇 2023年05月18 04:00
下一篇 2023年05月24 03:24

