

常听朋友们说,听老外讲笑话,通常是人家笑得花枝乱颤,自己却没听懂,只能尴尬地附和抽动嘴角。今天我们就来看一则笑话,其中的双关语(pun)、同音(homophone) 、反讽(irony)的使用,往往就是这些笑点的来源。

My first job was working in an orange juice factory,(get canned是被炒鱿鱼了,can又指罐头,在果汁厂工作肯定会涉及到坛坛罐罐的)but I got canned ... couldn't concentrate.(concentrate有两个含义,一是专注,一是浓缩。在这里,作者说他不能将果汁浓缩,实际上说自己不专心工作)

Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack。

After that I tried to be a tailor。

Next I tried working in a Quick Fit Centre。

3.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning.其中的fine,其实是讽刺这件事bad.

but that was exhausting(quick fit是快速适应,而exhausting是精疲力尽,这里有反讽的含义).

I wanted to be a barber。

but I just couldn't cut it.(理发师的工作是cut hair,但说某人don’t cut out to be是说“天生不是那块料”,这里用cut来双关,并且将cut out to be 稍做了改动)

Then I tried to be a chef,figured it would add spice (spice是香料,也可以做“趣味”;厨师的工作肯定会用到香料,这份工作作者原本也希望可以增加些趣味)to my life,but I just didn't have the thyme.(thyme是香料的一种,“百里香”,发音与time一样,读者请自行脑补其中的笑点)


Finally,I attempted to be a deli(熟食店) worker。

but any way I sliced it,I couldn't cut the mustard.(mustard是芥末,cut the mustard是个常见的成语,即搞定某事;作者在熟食店工作,肯定会切这个切那个(slice),结果他连mustard都切不好,当然又把工作搞砸了)

My best job was being a musician。

I studied a long time to become a doctor。

but I didn't have any patients.(patient做名词用,是病人,做形容词用是耐心的。对待病人要耐心,而他想当医生,却没有耐心,当然就没有病人找他了)

Next was a job in a shoe factory。

I tried but I just didn't fit in.(fit in与前文中的shoe呼应,就是“适脚”,你去鞋厂工作却不fit in就是不适合那里的工作了)

2.好挖苦人的,尖刻的 例句1:You have such a great body! (你简直是魔鬼身材啊!)但,形容的对象体型明显肥胖。 讽刺是一种文学手法,用于暴露对象的缺点和可笑之处,常采用夸张或反讽(irony)等方式,从而产生幽默的。

I became a professional fisherman。

but discovered that I couldn't live on my net income.(这个也很好笑,net income是净收入,而net本身有渔网之意,与渔夫的工作相呼应)

Thought about becoming a witch。

so I tried that for a spell.(这里是拿spell开刷;spell是咒语的意思,跟前文做witch(巫师)相对应,而for a spell是过了一段时间)

I managed to get a job working for a swimming pool maintenance company,but the work was just too draining.(这里拿drain说事儿,drain是耗光,其分词形式,也就是这里的draining是让人精疲力尽的;而泳池的工作是需要“注水”或“维持水位”,你去“耗光”,下场可想而知。)

I got a job at a zoo feeding giraffes。

九、反讽(Irony)是指用含蓄的褒义词语来表示其反面的意义,从而达到使本义更加幽默,更加讽刺的效果。Eg:It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning.早上没有时间观念还真是一件。

but I was fired because I wasn't up to it.(up to it是够格的意思,up也有“朝上”的含义,人在动物园饲养长颈鹿,却“够不着”,咋饲养?)

So then I got a job in a gymnasium。

1、This hard-working boy seldom reads more than an hour per week.其中的hard-working,其实是讽刺他lazy 2、Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act.其中的noble act,其实是讽刺这件事 disgratef。

but they said I wasn't fit for the job.(这一段的笑点在fit,设想在健身房工作的人,自己是不是该fit(健康的)一点?结果他被证明是wasn’t fit(不适合)这份工作,或fit in)

2)Owen behaves so well in his life. He has never done anything bad except for the fact that he once helped his handicapped sisiter.(Irony: behaves so well ;never done anything bad )3)Yes,she is so be。

After years of trying to find work,I finally got a job as a historian。

My last job was working at Starbucks Coffee。

but I had to quit because it was always the same old grind.(在星巴克咖啡店工作,当然会涉及到grind,即磨咖啡,整天磨啊磨的,就产生了另一层还有“枯燥的”)


上一篇 2023年05月21 13:47
下一篇 2023年05月29 05:47

