

9.Business (I) 场景九:做生意(I)


The Jacksons Set Up Their Own Business



1) George Jackson liked to repair small engines. He could take an old lawnmower,for instance,and fix it up so that it ran like a new one. He and his wife often talked over the possibility of setting up their own business of selling and repairing small engines.


lawnmower: [ˈlɔ:nməʊə(r)] (= mower)a machine for cutting the grass on lawns 割草机;剪草机

fix…up..: repair,put into working order,improve the appearance of 修理

set up:start,establish (set up shop = start a small business)

建立,开始(set up shop 开店= start a small business做点小生意)

2)“When I was young,I always planned on having my own business," he reminded her one night when the twins were away. ‘If I could do it over,I would go into business much earlier.

“我年轻的时候,我总计划着有份自己的事业,” 有天晚上杰克森先生对着杰克森太太Edna这样说,当时双胞胎不在旁边。


plan on: make plans or preparations for (usually followed by an -ing word)

为… … 做计划或准备(plan on 通常后跟动词ing形式)

do…over…: do again,repeat (an action or a series of actions),repeat in a better way 重做, 重复(某举动或一系列举动),用更好的方式重做

剪草机修剪草坪时留下的的草的味道,这个"味道"怎么用英语来表达?你好,很高兴为你解答 味道: *** ell 希望对你有帮助 园林树木栽培与修剪用英文怎么说 园林树木栽培与修剪_翻译结果:Landscape plants cultivation and 。

eg. When people make mistakes,they often must do their work over.


go into:enter,begin,start (a business,an activity,or a condition)



3)“Edna,this may be the best time. We have paid off all our debts and saved up a little money. Starting a new business is risky,but my job at the factory is not safe either.

“ Edna,现在可能是最好的时候。我们已经还清了我们所有的债务,还攒了一些钱。自己做生意有风险,但是我在工厂的工作也不保险。

pay off: (pay,paid,paid) pay all that one owes 还清债务

save .. . up: save a small amount at a time 一次存一点钱,攒钱

4)“The company laid off thirty of its newest workers last week because its sales have slackened off. Mr. Green sent for me today and told me that orders have dropped off so much that the company may have to lay me off,too.”


lay off:(laid off,你叫什么名字英语怎么说,have laid off) drop (someone) from employment for a while 解雇,

slacken off:become less (as sales,business,profits,etc.),become slower (Slack off is also used.) (销量、生意、利润等)减少、放缓 (也作 slack off)

send for: ask (someone) to come or bring 找人来或找人带来

割草机英文:mower;grass cutter;mowing machine。双语例句:1、Reaping attachment for motormower.动动割草机的谷物收割附加装置。2、Cut with a blade or mower.用一把刀或一台割草机割。3、Research on Mowing Platform 。

eg. George’s employer sent for him. 乔治的老板找他。

We sent for some medicine. 我们找人带些药来。

drop off: become less,be reduced (prices,sales,etc. )


5)”That's awful,George,” Edna said. " But do you believe we could work up enough business in our own shop to pay our expenses? I could give up my part-time job and help out with the selling and the accounts. I'd finally be able to use my bookkeeping and accounting skills again.”



实施计划、发展业务等 (同build up,work out)

help out: assist,provide help 帮忙,提供帮助

bookkeeping: 簿记;记账

Bookkeeping is the job or activity of keeping an accurate record of the money that is spent and received by a business or other organization.


除草机英文是Lawn mower。除草机即割草机,是一种用于修剪草坪、植被等的机械工具,它是由刀盘、发动机、行走轮、行走机构、刀片、扶手、控制部分组成。刀盘装在行走轮上,刀盘上装有发动机,发动机的输出轴上装有刀片,刀片。

accounting:会计 the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business 为企业保存财务记录、审计财务记录、准备财务报告的工作

13.lawn mower 割草机 割草机的英文则叫做lawn mower,lawn mower主要是割草用的。14.tool shed 工具房,工具棚 至于在花园里面常常会有所谓的工具房,用来放置园艺的相关工具,例如割草机、铲子…等等,通通可以放在里面。

杰克森先生说:“ 自己做生意通常发展比较慢,很多企业好多年只有一点点进展。但是我想如果我们好好努力,我们会赚到足够的钱过日子的。”

inch along: move very slowly,move a small distance at a time



live on: exist on; have enough food,etc.,to survive on 有足够的食物等活下去, 靠…过日子

eg. How much money does this family need to live on?


7)You could sell the new engines and the parts and the tools,and I could tune up the old engines that need to be repaired. I believe that things would work out well enough.”


tune.. . up:adjust properly,cause to operate smoothly and correctly (usually a machine or a musical instrument)(设备或乐器)调试好、使其操作流畅准确

work out:proceed satisfactorily,be or become acceptable or successful


8)“Where would we set up shop?’ 我们在哪儿开店呢?


set up shop 开店= start a small business做点小生意

future 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 mustache 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 trickedout 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 daisies 当僵尸被杀后掉下一些雏菊 pinata 僵尸死后散落一地的糖果 sukhbir 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声 dance 。

9)”We could take over that empty building on Main Street. I talked with the owner today,and he wanted me to sign up at once. I told him I wanted to talk it over with you.


take.. . over: become responsible for,take charge of,become the owner of


sign up:write one's name on a paper agreeing to do something 签约,签字同意

10) He may hold out for more rent than I am willing to pay,but I believe we can work out an agreement unless we become bogged down in some of the details. What do you think we should do,Edna?”



hold out for:insist on getting before coming to an agreement


bog down: be slowed,be hindered,become stuck 有事耽搁、有事妨碍、陷入困境

11)“I think we should sleep on it.”


sleep on: delay or postpone (a decision) until the next morning (often in the phrase sleep on it) 不着急下决定,再等一天


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