

1. 表达“数量”意义的词汇


amount 可以用作名词,表达“数量;总量”之义,常用来修饰不可数名词;也可以用作动词,用于短语amount to中,表示“(数量上)总计;总共”。

大约 approximat 大约说来 roughly 大约…左右 大约的 approximat 大约的成本 probable 大约满期日期 approximat 大约继续进行小时 resuming 大约在 around 三.双语例句 大约半小时路程。It's about half an hour's journey。

the amount of money,a massive amount of time,huge amount of food

Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet. 尽量减少饮食中的脂肪摄入量。

Time lost through illness amounted to 20 working days. 因疾病而损失的时间总计为20个工作日。

quantity 表达“数量;数额”之义时,用以说明事物“多少”的问题,尤其用于书面介绍和用法说明,常和large、enormous、high以及small、limited、minimum等程度形容词连用组成短语。既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。

大约两种英语,All enrolled students can have access to a large quantity of books in the library. 所有注册的学生都能接触到图书馆里大量的书籍。

Make sure that you add the right quantity of milk. 一定要加入适量的牛奶。

volume 常用来表达“数量”意义,其概念大多与体积、容积有关;也与整个物体的移动过程有关,常表达流量、吞吐量、消耗量、工作量等,一般用单数形式。

The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent years. 近年来道路交通量急剧增加。

around, about, nearly, almost。要看上下文。

在日常英语中,人们通常说turn something up或turn something down,而不用名词volume:Can you turn the TV up a bit? 请把电视机调响一点好吗?│She’s always yelling at us to turn our music down. 他老是叫嚷着要我们把音乐声调轻。


level “(某一时期的)水平,程度”,有时译为“含量”。

They measured the level of alcohol in his blood. 他们检测了他血液中的酒精含量。

1、大约在早晨两点钟。About two in the morning.2、大约一个月之前我就呆在温哥华。I was in Vancouver about a month ago.3、他把薪水的大约三分之一花在喝酒上。He spends about a third of his salary on drink。

There is a high level of unemployment. 失业率很高。

yield (尤指作物的)产量

The average milk yield per cow has doubled. 每头奶牛的平均产奶量翻了一番。

2. 表示“训练,培训”的动词


drill 教某人反复练习;操练(士兵)

The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang. 孩子们接受了如何在火警拉响时迅速离开教室的训练。

coach 指对体育运动、工作、技能等进行培训或进行考前辅导。

I once coached volleyball for a group of kids for the Special Olympics. (2022潍坊一模)我曾经为一群参加特奥会的孩子们培训排球。

3. 表示“减轻;缓解”的动词


ease/ relieve the pain/stress/tension/pressure

4. 表示“由于;因为”的介词短语

because of,due to,owing to,on account of,in view of,thanks to


due to 在句中多作表语,也可以作状语。

The restaurant’s success was largely due to its new manager. 这家餐馆的成功很大程度上归功于新来的经理。

作状语时通常不位于句首。She was absent from work due to illness. 她因病没去上班。

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