

枣泥拉糕的做法窍门,A mooncake is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The festival is about lunar appreciation and Moon watching,and mooncakes are regarded as an indispensable delicacy. Mooncakes are offered between friends or on family gatherings while celebrating the festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four most important Chinese festivals.



Typical mooncakes are round pastries,measuring about 10 cm in diameter and 3–4 cm thick,and are commonly eaten in the Southern and Northern Chinese regions. A rich thick filling usually made from red bean or lotus seed paste is surrounded by a thin,2–3 mm (approximately 1/8th of an inch) crust and may contain yolks from salted duck eggs. Today,it is customary for businessmen and families to present them to their clients or relatives as presents,helping to fuel a demand for high-end mooncakes.


filling n. 填料;充填料;馅料


五仁 five kernel

kernel n. /ˈkɜː.nəl


flaky pastry with mung bean paste 枣泥red date paste 芋泥taro paste 莲蓉lotus seed paste 伍仁mixed nuts paste 核桃walnuts 栗子chestnuts 抹茶green tea 火腿Chinese ham 红豆沙 red bean paste 绿豆沙 mung bean paste 冰淇淋(雪。

红豆沙 red bean paste

paste n. /peɪst

以广州地区为代表。用料精博,品种繁多,款式新颖,口味清新多样,制作精细,咸甜兼备,并糅合了西点的技巧和特色,因此能适应四季节令和各方人士的需要。代表品种有绿茵白兔饺、煎萝卜糕 、马蹄糕、皮蛋酥等。潮派 以潮州地区。


红枣100克,糯米粉400克,粳米粉300克,松子仁30克,猪板油150克切丁,白糖200克,熟猪油80克,花生油少许。编辑本段制作方法:1、将红枣洗净入笼屉蒸烂,取出去皮去核碾成枣泥,入锅中加入白糖及熟猪油熬成汤汁。 2。


枣泥 jujube paste

jujube /ˈdʒuː.dʒuːb/ n. 枣子,枣树;枣味糖

莲蓉 lotus seed paste

lotus /ˈləʊ.təs/ n. 莲花;荷花

seed /siːd/ n. 种子

咸蛋黄 yolks from salted duck eggs


莲蓉lotus paste枣泥red date paste栗蓉chestnut puree,chestnut paste大菜,大菜丝,洋菜,洋菜粉,琼脂 agar powder中式点心 dim sum饮茶Yum Cha油条twisted cruller糯米sticky rice血糯米 black sticky rice白粥congee肉包子 steamed bun with。

crust /krʌst/ n. 面包皮;外壳


酥皮 flaky crust


冰皮 snow skin

12. 椰子蛋糕 Coconut cake 13. 核桃枣泥蛋糕 walnut Jujube cake 14. 蓝莓梳夫厘蛋糕 Blueberry soufflé cake 15. 柠檬蛋白批 Lemon morning tat 16. 蜂蜜梨毛士蛋糕 Mao pear honey cake 17. 冬日太阳蛋糕 W。

What kind of mooncake do you like?


上一篇 2023年04月20 05:48
下一篇 2023年05月31 02:00

