


英 [rɪft] 美 [rɪft]

问题一:“神秘”的英文单词怎么说 mystery 英[ˈm?stri] 美[?m?st?ri]n. 神秘,秘密,谜; 神秘的事物; 推理小说,推理剧; 常作 mysteries 秘技,秘诀;The source of the gunshots still remains a mystery。

n.裂口;隙缝;切口 v.裂开;割开;渗入


◉Usage Examples

(1) Many years passed as the Warlocks sought to unlock the mysteries of this tiny rift.

很神秘用英语怎么说,(2) Functionally a warp gate is similar to a gateway in that both devices open a spatial rift.

(3) Just then,the wind blew a rift in the grey clouds,and in silver moonlight they reached the north end of the street.

“神秘”的英文:mystery 英 [ˈmɪst(ə)ri] 美 [ˈmɪstri]n. 秘密,谜;神秘,神秘的事物;推理小说,推理剧;常作 mysteries 秘技,秘诀 例句:1、No one owns his mystery, excep。

(1) 术士花了许多年寻找扩大这个微小裂口的神秘方法。

(2) 偏位门的运作方式和传送门一样都是通过用一个设备打开空间裂口。

(3) 这时,风把灰云吹裂开一块,露出月光,二人已来到街的北头。

◉Usage notes

Rift sounds like rip,and it's helpful to think of it that way. When there is a rift in a political party over how much taxes to pay,it is like a rip or tear in the fabric of the group.

Rift has a slightly different sense than break. A group can have a rift without having fully broken apart. A rift can heal,though a break is permanent. A rift can arise between sisters over whose turn it is to do dishes; it can quickly heal when parents promise an ice cream trip when the dishes are done. The Earth&39;s splitting apart,like in East Africa.

mysterious 例句:Soon they were dead, victims of a mysterious poisoner.不久他们就死了,是一个神秘的投毒者下的手。mysterious的用法 1、读音 /mɪsˈtɪrɪəs/ 2、释义 adj. 神秘。




神秘英语说法1:mystery 神秘英语说法2:mysterious 神秘英语说法3:mystical 神秘的相关短语:神秘召唤 Tru Calling ; Tru Calling : pte à rebours 神秘果 Synsepalum dulcificum ; Fruit miracle 神秘顾客 Client mystère 。



③ They hope to heal the rift with their father.

神秘的英文是:mystery。mystery 英[ˈmɪstri] 美[ˈmɪstəri]n. 秘密,谜;神秘,神秘的事物;推理小说,推理剧;常作mysteries:秘技,秘诀;[例句]The source of the gunshots still r。


2. [N-COUNT 可数名词](尤指地面的)裂缝,裂口 A rift is a split that appears in something solid,especially in the ground.

上一篇 2023年05月24 23:31
下一篇 2023年06月05 13:57

