




1. shift.

What is a shift?

the schedule of ordering classes

Well,working 8 hours a day is one shift.

You may work 8 hours during the day,排班表英文缩写含义,you may work 8 hours at night.,

If you work 8 hours during the day,this is the day shift(白班).

NH:nation holiday,法定节假日 AV: 应该是annual leave,年假 常用英文缩写:crrw 员工 tr 训练员 lsm 接待员 L 员工组长 sw 计时经理 mt 见习经理 2nd 二副理 1st 一副理 sm 餐厅经理 oc 营运顾问(督导)在工作。

If you work 8 hours at night,this is the night shift(夜班).

So,do you work day shift or do you work night shift?

2. rotate shift (轮班)

When you rotate your shifts,you work day shifts now,and you work night shifts then.

rota 英音:['rəutə]美音:['rotə]rota的中文翻译 名词 n.1.【主英】轮值表;值班 2.(R-)(天主教)最高法院

2. rotate time-off (轮休)

大写的PA是包装,类似BU,TW和PA对应的是PP,小写的pa是配餐。肯德基排班表的缩写:LS---大厅 CM---清洁 CA---前台 BU---总配汉堡站 TW---总配-肉卷站 KO---厨房裹鸡 KB---厨房烤箱 KM--。

When we rotate our time-off,or days-off,we try to rotate our shifts so we will be rotate into a weekend off.

shift table

上一篇 2023年04月19 04:01
下一篇 2023年05月29 13:38

