

英语作文 How can we keep healthy?

As the saying goes,珍爱生命英语作文及翻译,the body is the capital of revolution.All of us want to be healthy. Good health habits can make us healthy and strong.,

As the saying goes,the body is the capital of revolution.All of us want to be healthy. Good health habits can make us healthy and strong.

【篇一】珍惜生命的英语作文 Life is a great priceless treasure; Life is fragile and tenacious. Without life, there would be no plants, birds and animals, and there would be no beautiful world we have now。.

First. We should have enough sleep. Good sleep can make us energetic. But now,more and more people staying up late. Play with mobile phones and computers. It's very bad for our health. Especially to our eyes. We should go to bed early and get up early.

珍爱生命爱护地球I recently read, "If the Earth's remaining three days of life" feeling a lot of this article. This essay describes is this: the Earth has only three days of life. "I am" very alarmed。

At last. Keep good feelings every day .

【篇一】珍惜生命的初中英语作文 广阔的人世间,无处不充满生命的气息,一花、一草、一木、一物都有生命。然而,它们也不光是有生命这么简单的。 The vast world, everywhere is full of the breath of life, flower, grass, wood。

上一篇 2023年06月01 18:08
下一篇 2023年04月26 20:34

