

1、each other 彼此,互相

同义:one another 彼此,互相

真题语境:……,trusting the identities of each other.

2、belong to 属于

真题语境:The future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.

3、fail to do sth. 未能做某事

1.实用英语短语大全带翻译 1. 海量 have a hollow leg 你想灌醉他?他可是海量,从来没有醉过。Want to drink him under the table? Well…you can never do. He got a hollow leg, you know.2. 略胜一筹 be 。

真题语境:Ms. Simmons was criticized for failing to fulfill her duty.

4、be likely to do sth. 可能做某事

真题语境:The firm is likely to do less well in the stock market.

5、be supposed to 应该

真题语境:Outside directors are supposed to be independent advisers.

6、on one’s own 独立地;独自地

真题语境:No homework should be assigned that students cannot complete on their own.

7、according to 根据…

同义:in the light of 根据…

真题语境:according to Paragraph 3.

8、take up 占用(时间等);开始从事

真题语境:The position was just taking up too much time,she said.

最常用英语短语 1. get warm 变暖和 2. get well 痊愈 3. get together 团聚 4. get to 到达(某地)5. get to know 逐渐认识到 6. get to work 开始工作(学习)7. give advice to 给……提建议 。

9、due to 由于,因为

同义:owing to 由于,因为

常用英语短语500组,真题语境:……lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities.

10、give up 放弃

真题语境:……,something that many consumers are unwilling to give up.

2.be free 空闲的 3.on computer 在电脑上 4.live to be + 岁数 活到…5.fewer +可数名词复数 更少。6.less +不可数名词 更少的…7.(many /much) more +可数名词复数/不可数名词 更多的…8.be 。

11、take effect 生效

同义:go into effect 生效

真题语境:The new law takes effect.

12、for good 永远地,永久地

真题语境:Certain jobs have gone away for good.

13、after all 毕竟

14、department store 百货商店

15、attach importance to 重视

38. It is a popular show, so advance booking is essential. 这是个很受欢迎的演出,所以一定要提前订票。 39. Earthenware has an advantage over wood in being more easily kept clean. 陶器的优点在于比木器更容易保持清洁。

同义:put a premium on 重视

真题语境:Department stores were advised to attach equal importance to different genders.

16、in advance 提前

同义:ahead of time 提前

真题语境同义:Plan your week’s menu in advance.

17、more often than not 通常

真题语境:More often than not,they’ll let you have for free.

18、in effect 事实上,实际上

同义:in fact 事实上,实际上

19、around the corner 即将来临

20、be accustomed to 习惯于

真题语境:……are accustomed to stress-free work.

21、result in 导致

22、report card 成绩单

真题语境:……may result in students’ indifference to their report cards.

23、be good at 擅长…

反义:be poor at 不擅长…

真题语境:That’s something that machines are good at.

24、take step 采取措施

同义:take measure 采取措施

真题语境:The government needs to take steps to address our urgent housing need.

25、tend to 往往

26、look down on 看不起

真题语境:Even very young children tend to look down on the overweight.

27、deal with 处理

真题语境:to deal with the issues.

28、take advantage of 利用

真题语境:to take advantage of college resources.

29、depend on 依赖,依靠;取决于…

同义:lean on 依赖,依靠

同义:rely on 依赖,依靠

真题语境:Companies depend on it.

30、no longer 不再

真题语境:Employment is no longer a precondition to get health insurance.

31、keep in mind 记住

真题语境:You should always keep in mind that you are not alone.

32、go through 经历;检查

同义:live through 经历

33、carry on 继续

同义:go on 继续

真题语境:He’ll carry on blogging.

34、hold true for 适用于…

真题语境:The findings hold true for both those with children and without.

35、touch on 提到

真题语境:He indeed touched on this point in his book.

36、in that 因为

37、go against 违背

真题语境:……in that it go against conservation policies.

38、be filled with 充满…

真题语境:A world without work would be filled with unease.

39、not necessarily 不一定

真题语境:It’s not necessarily a bad thing.

40、lay off 解雇

真题语境:He remember that his father and mother both were laid off.

41、to be honest 说实话

51. my dream job 我理想的工作 52. find a part-time job 寻找一份兼职 53. save money 省钱 54. at the same time 同时 55. hold art exhibitions/ have fashion shows 举办展览会 56. travel all over the 。

42、apart from 除了…之外

真题语境:To be honest,I also know that no one,apart from myself,can imagine me in the fashion industry.

43、with regard to 关于…

同义:as to 关于…

真题语境:With regard to mass sport,the author holds that governments should……

44、be aimed at 旨在,目的在于

同义:be designed to 旨在,目的在于

真题语境:Tax policies be aimed at preventing the income gap from widening.

45、look into 调查

真题语境:The school board looks into the matter.

46、put in 投入(时间、精力)

47、get one’s hands on sth. 得到某物

I enjoy living in peace.10. 我喜欢浏览英语报纸。I like looking through English newspapers.11. 我乐于和别人交朋友。I enjoy making friends with others.12. 我一点都不喜欢抽烟。I don’t like smoking at all.13. 从今以。

真题语境:They cannot get their hands on full-time jobs.

48、be down to sb. 是某人的责任

真题语境:But it is not just down to the government.

49、in other words 换句话说

同义:to put it another way 换句话说

50、keep up with 跟上

真题语境:In other words,the international tax system has failed to keep up with the current economy.

51、account for (比例、数量上)占

真题语境:Personnel accounts for 80 percent of the agency’s costs.

52、take account of 考虑到…

同义:take…into consideration 考虑到…

真题语境:…… a agreement which took far too little account of the patients’ rights.

53、fall short of 未达到

54、both sides 双方

真题语境:It fell short of the expectations of both sides.

55、at all cost 不惜一切代价

真题语境:to protect privacy at all costs.

56、be bound to 一定会


57、point out 指出

真题语境:……the Senate,where someone is bound to point out that this bill……

58、live on 靠...生活

真题语境:……living on benefits.

59、set up 建立

真题语境:to set up a data center.

60、do one’s utmost 竭尽全力

真题语境:Colleges do their utmost to improve their graduation rates.





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