
戴炜栋《新编简明英语语言学教程》(第2版)配套题库【考研真题精选+章节题库】学习目录第一部分 考研真题精选 一、选择题 二、填空题 三、术语解释 四、简答题 五、论述题第二部分 章节题库 第1章 导 



第一部分 考研真题精选






第二部分 章节题库

 第1章 导 言

 第2章 音位学

 第3章 形态学

 第4章 句法学

 第5章 语义学

 第6章 语用学


 第7章 语言变化

 第8章 语言与社会

 第9章 语言与文化

 第10章 语言习得

 第11章 第二语言习得


 第12章 语言与大脑


第一部分 考研真题精选


1. Derivational morpheme contrasts sharply with inflectional morpheme in that the former changes the _____ while the latter does not.(北二外2017研)

A. meaning

B. word class

C. form

D. speech sound


【解析】morpheme语素,分为自由语素和黏着语素,其中黏着语素包括词根和词缀两种类型,词缀分为派生词缀(derivational affixes)和屈折词缀(inflectional affixes)。派生词缀黏附在词根语素上构成新词,英语语言学题库含答案,也即增加了新的词汇义内容或改变了词的类别归属。屈折词缀只能改变一个词的形式,不能构成新词。也即屈折词缀增加的是表示句法范畴的意义,并且总是不改变词的类别归属。即两者重要区别在于是否改变了词的类别,故B为正确答案。

2. Which of the following are homographs?(对外经贸2015研)

A. lead,lead

B. rest,wrest

C. lie,lie

D. beat,bit



A. Reference

B. Concept

C. Semantics

D. Sense



4. There are generally three kinds of sense relations recognized,sameness relation,oppositeness relation and inclusiveness relation. They are represented by ______ respectively.(大连外国语学院2008研)

A. synonymy,antonymy,and hyponymy

B. synonymy,hyponymy,and antonymy

C. antonymy,synonymy,and hyponymy



5. Which of the following best states the behaviorist view,of child language acquisition?(北二外2015研)

C. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language.

D. Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use.



6. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest,and explain the reason in ONE sentence.(南京大学2007研)

A. resolution

B. resident

C. restart

Explain the arbitrary relationship between the form and meaning of a word Answer:A word is a symbol that stands for sth else in the world. this symbolic connection, different in various culture, is almost al。

D. resignation



7. Bird and cuckoo have the sense relation of hyponymy. Which of the following pairs of words has the same sense relation?(对外经贸2005研)

A. Vowel and consonant

B. Mouth and tongue

C. Lexicon and word

D. Number and gender


(为了让你能看懂具体的英语结构我尽量直译)1.题目译文:下列短语的哪一些短语是“归类它们为同类”的吸收范例?2.为什么汉语要具体说明“ 表-堂,叔-舅,婶-姨”的亲戚关系?3.成对的——可以构成组合关系的联想。活译。


8. _____ refers to the obstruction of the air stream caused by the tongue tip or blade and the alveolar ridge,such as in the production of [t].(北二外2017研)

A. Stop

B. Dental

C. Alveolar

D. Glide


【解析】考查辅音的分类。根据发音部位,主要分为双唇音(bilabials),唇齿音(labiodental),齿音(dental),齿龈音(alveolar),硬腭音(palatal),软腭音(velar),声门音(glottal);而按照发音方式,可分为爆破音(stops),磨擦音(fricatives),破擦音(affricates),鼻音(nasals),流音(liquids),滑音(glides)。由题意,舌端和齿龈形成阻碍成音,即为齿龈音,常见辅音有[t] [d] [s] [z] [ts] [dz] [n] [l],故C正确。

9. Bound morphemes do not include _____.(西安交大2008研)

A. roots

B. prefixes

C. suffixes

D. words

1,the language system shared by a "speech community".2,the concrete utterances of a speaker.4,competence and performance(语言能力和应用)1,unconscious knowledge of the system of grammatical rules in a language。




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