

听到或读到crop这个单词时,我们马上联想到的对应汉语主要是作名词使用的【农作物;产量;庄稼】,或用作动词的【种植;收割;修剪;剪短;收成; 收获】,例如:

crop rotation农作物轮作

crop production农作物生产


crop yield 农作物产量

a fall in this year's coffee crop今年咖啡产量的下降

The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.农作物定期喷洒杀虫剂。

庄稼的英语单词,We are looking forward to a bumper crop. 我们期盼着大丰收。

We are looking forward to a bumper crop. 我们期盼着大丰收。

grow vegetables



They still reap crops by hand 他们仍用手工 收割庄稼 。 The peasants , old and young , all went to get in the crops today 今天那些农民,有老的,有少的,都去 收割庄稼 了。 A farm worker , who stayed up all n。

1. Problems have cropped up. 问题来了。

2. New difficulties cropped up. 新困难出现了。

3. A difficulty has cropped up at work. 作中突然出现困难。

4. Several matters have cropped up at the same time. 几件事挤在一块儿了。

5. Proper measures were taken as soon as the erroneous ideas cropped up. 错误思想一冒头,就及时采取了措施。

They employed o men for the harvest 他们聘用了两个人来 收获庄稼 。For the farmer ploughing , sowing , and weeding work is done before midsummer , but after midsummer begins the period when crops are harve。

8. We can't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up. 不能因为没发生什么问题就麻痹大意起来。

上一篇 2023年04月13 18:50
下一篇 2023年05月25 08:44

