





1. A Chair for My Mother | Vera B. Williams

2. A Color of His Own | Leo Lionni

3. Abuela | Arthur Dorros & Elisa Kleven

4. Are You My Mother | P.D. Eastman

5. Baby Be Kind | Jane Cowen-Fletcher

6. Baby Happy Baby Sad | Leslie Patricelli

7. Bear books (series) | Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman

六年级英文绘本内容推荐,8. Big Red Barn | Margaret Wise Brown & Felicia Bond

8. Big Red Barn | Margaret Wise Brown & Felicia Bond

Jessie likes asking questions Danny's younger sister is five years old. Her name is Jessie. She always likes asking questions. She wants to know why a car must have wheels. what is inside a tree and eve。

9. Blackboard Bear | Martha Alexander

10. Blueberries for Sal | Robert McCloskey

11. Blueberry Girl | Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess

12. Brown Bear,Brown Bear,What Do You See? | Bill Martin Jr. & Eric Carle

13. Busy,Busy Town | Richard Scarry

14. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom | Bill Martin Jr.,John Archambault & Lois Ehlert

15. Click,Clack,Moo | Doreen Cronin & Betsy Lewin

16. Corduroy | Don Freeman

17. Don’t Move the Muffin Tins | Bev Bos

18. Each Peach Pear Plum | Allan Ahlberg & Janet Ahlberg

19. Elephant and Piggie books (series) | Mo Willems

20. Eloise Wilkin Stories | Eloise Wilkin

21. Fancy Nancy (series) | Jane O’Connor

22. Five Little Monkeys (series) | Eileen Christelow

23. Five Minutes’ Peace | Jill Murphy

24. Full,Full,Full of Love | Trish Cooke

25. Go,Dog. Go! | P.D. Eastman

26. Good Night,Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann

27. Goodnight Moon | Margaret Wise Brown & Clement Hurd

28. Goodnight,Goodnight Construction Site | Sherri Duskey Rinker & Tom Lichtenheld

29. Green Eggs and Ham | Dr. Seuss

31. Hand,Hand,Fingers,Thumb | Al Perkins & Eric Gurney

32. Harold and the Purple Crayon | Crockett Johnson

33. Hush! A Thai Lullaby | Minfong Ho

34. I Am a Bunny | Ole Risom & Richard Scarry

35. I Am A Puppy | Ole Risom & Jan Pfloog

36. I Love My Daddy | Sebastien Braun

37. I Love You Through And Through | Bernadette Rossetti Shustak & Caroline Jayne Church


38. I Want My Hat Back | Jon Klassen

39. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (series) | Laura Joffe Numeroff & Felicia Bond

40. Iggy Peck,Architect | Andrea Beaty & David Roberts

41. It’s a Dog’s Life | Susan E. Goodman,David Slonim

42. Jamberry | Bruce Degen

43. Jazz Baby | Lisa Wheeler & R. Gregory Christie

44. Kitten’s First Full Moon | Kevin Henkes

45. Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale | Mo Willems

46. Lilly books (series) | Kevin Henkes

47. Little Blue and Little Yellow | Leo Lionni

六年级英语绘本内容有:一、英文故事 A Silly Man Fred was going to school.When he passed a park,he saw a man sawing a big branch from a tree.The man was on a ladder and the ladder was against the bi。

48. Little Blue Truck | Alice Schertle & Jill McElmurry

49. Little Critter (series) | Mercer Mayer

50. Little One’s Bedtime | Suzi Moore

51. Little Pea/Little Hoot/Little Oink | Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Jen Corace

52. Llama Llama books (series) | Anne Dewdney

53. Lola books (series) | Anna McQuinn & Rosalind Beardshaw

55. Marcel the Shell With Shoes On: Things About Me | Jenny Slate & Dean Fleischer-Camp


56. Moo,Baa,La La La! | Sandra Boynton

57. Moose Tracks! | Karma Wilson & Jack E. Davis

58. Mr. Men and Little Miss (series) | Roger Hargreaves

59. No Fits,Nilson! | Zachariah O’Hora

60. Nobody Listens to Andrew | Elizabeth Guilfoile & Mary Stevens

61. Nuts to You! | Lois Ehlert

62. Oh,Baby! Go,Baby! | Dr. Seuss

64. One Fish,Two Fish,Red Fish,Blue Fish | Dr. Seuss

65. Papa,Please Get the Moon for Me | Eric Carle

66. Pat the Bunny | Dorothy Kunhardt

67. Peek-A-Who? | Nina Laden

68. Pete the Cat (series) | Eric Litwin & James Dean

69. Press Here | Herve Tullet

70. Raindrop,Plop! | Wendy Cheyette Lewison & Pam Paparone

71. Room on the Broom | Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler


72. Round is a Tortilla | Roseanne Greenfield Thong & John Parra

73. Rumble in the Jungle | Giles Andreae & David Wojtowycz

74. Sam and the Lucky Monkey | Karen Chinn & Cornelius Van Wright

75. Sheep books (series) | Nancy E. Shaw & Margot Apple


76. Sleepyhead | Karma Wilson & John Segal

77. So Much! | Trish Cooke & Helen Oxenbury

78. Stuck | Oliver Jeffers

79. The Big Orange Splot | Daniel Manus Pinkwater

80. The Cat in the Hat | Dr. Seuss

1、A Pet for Pete A Pet for Pete是一个温馨的小故事。Pete的绘画作品得到身边人的肯定和赞赏,而他也十分愿意将这份快乐分享给大家——为每个人(每只猫)画一幅画,可是自己精力有限,最终还是妈妈想出了好办法。2。

81. The Day the Crayons Quit | Drew Daywalt & Oliver Jeffers

82. The Dot | Peter H. Reynolds

83. The Foot Book | Dr. Seuss

84. The Giving Tree | Shel Silverstein

85. The Gruffalo | Julia Donaldson

86. The Gumdrop Tree | Elizabeth Spurr & Julia Gorton

87. The Jolly Postman | Allan Ahlberg & Janet Ahlberg

88. The Kissing Hand | Audrey Penn,Ruth E. Harper & Nancy M. Leak

89. The Little Engine That Could | Watty Piper

90. The Poky Little Puppy | Janette Sebring Lowrey & Gustaf Tenggren

91. The Pout-Pout Fish | Deborah Diesen & Dan Hanna

92. The Snowy Day | Ezra Jack Keats

93. The Tiger Who Came to Tea | Judith Kerr

94. The Very Hungry Caterpillar | Eric Carle

95. Toes,Ears & Nose! | Marion Dane Bauer & Karen Katz

96. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt | Helen Oxenbury & Michael Rosen

97. Where the Wild Things Are | Maurice Sendak

98. Who Hoo Are You | Kate Endle

99. Wild About Books | Judy Sierra & Marc Brown

100. Yummy Yucky | Leslie Patricelli

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