


1、To pass someone or something means to go past them without stopping. 经过

• As she passed the library door,the telephone began to ring.


• Jane stood aside to let her pass.

Ted 特德(男名)Kay 凯(女名)Lisa 利萨(女名)Eliza 伊莱扎(女名)Vince 文斯(男名)outgoing adj.友好的;爽直的 twin adj.孪生的;双胎的 calm adj.(心情)镇静的;无忧虑的 wild adj.鲁莽的;轻率的 serio。



2.When someone or something passes in a particular direction,they move in that direction. 穿过

• He passed through the doorway into the kitchen.


• He passed down the tunnel.


3.If something such as a road or pipe passes along a particular route,it goes along that route. (沿某路线) 穿过

• A dirt road passes through the town.


4.If you pass something through,over,or around something else,you move or push it through,over,or around that thing. 穿; 越; 绕


• She passed the needle through the rough cloth,back and forth.


• "I don't understand," the detective mumbled,passing a hand through his hair.



5.If you pass something to someone,you take it in your hand and give it to them. 传递

• Ken passed the books to Sergeant Wong.


6.If something passes or is passed from one person to another,the second person then has it instead of the first. 转给

• His mother's small estate had passed to him after her death.



7.If you pass information to someone,you give it to them because it concerns them. 传达

• Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.


8.Pass on means the same as pass. 传达

• I do not know what to do with the information if I cannot pass it on.


• From time to time he passed on confidential information to him.


9.If you pass,or pass the ball to someone on your team in a game such as football or basketball,you throw it to them. 传 (球) 给

Ted 特德(Edward的昵称)Temple 坦普尔Tennyson 丁尼生; 坦尼森Terry 特里(Theresa的昵称)Thackeray 撒克里Thodore 西奥多Theresa 特里萨Thomas 托马斯Thompson 汤普森Thomson 汤姆森Thoreau 梭洛; 索罗Thorndike 桑代克Timothy 蒂莫西Titus 泰特斯Tobias。

• Your partner should then pass the ball back to you.


10.When a period of time passes,it happens and finishes. (时间) 消逝

• He couldn't imagine why he had let so much time pass without contacting her.


• As the years passed he felt trapped by certain realities of marriage.


• The children passed the time playing in the streets.


12.If you pass through a stage of development or a period of time,you experience it. 经历

• The country was passing through a grave crisis.


13.If an amount passes a particular total or level,it becomes greater than that total or level. 超过

ted 英[ted]美[ted]vt.翻晒;[例句]A week later, Sara and I attended open house at Ted's school 一周后,萨拉和我参加了特德学校的开放日活动。[其他]第三人称单数:teds 现在分词:tedding 过去式:tedded 过。

• They became the first company in their field to pass the $2 billion turn-over mark.


14.If someone or something passes a test,they are considered to be of an acceptable standard. 通过 (考试)

• Kevin has just passed his driving test.


15.If someone in authority passes a person or thing,they declare that they are of an acceptable standard or have reached an acceptable standard. 宣布…合格

A week later, Sara and I attended open house at Ted's school 一周后,萨拉和我参加了特德学校的开放日活动。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 2.When Ted was six we decided that he needed to know how to fasten 。

• Several popular beaches were found unfit for swimming although the government passed them last year.


16.When people in authority pass a new law or a proposal,they formally agree to it or approve it. 批准; 认可

• The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.


17.When a judge passes sentence on someone,he or she says what their punishment will be. 宣布 (判决)

•Passing sentence,the judge said it all had the appearance of a con trick.


18.If someone or something passes for or passes as something that they are not,they are accepted as that thing or mistaken for that thing. 被当作

• Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing.



19.If someone makes you an offer or asks you a question and you say that you will pass on it,you mean that you do not want to accept or answer it now. 对…不接受; 对…不予理会

• I think I'll pass on the swimming.


• "You can join us if you like." Brad shook his head. "I'll pass,thanks."


20.In some card games and other games,if you pass,you choose not to play at that stage in the game. 不出牌

• He's been allowed to re-take the exam,and he's going to get a pass.


22.A pass is a document that allows you to do something. 通行证; 许可证

• I got myself a pass into the barracks.


I'm in class 3, but Ted is not in class 3.


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