

10月17日是第六个国家扶贫日,国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室表示,预计到今年年底,全国95%现行标准的贫困人口将实现脱贫。Ninety-five percent of the country's poor population will escape poverty by the end of the year,向…宣战英语短语,China's top poverty relief office said on Friday in the run-up to the sixth National Poverty Relief Day on Oct 17.,


D.announce war against也有C的意思,因为是政府宣战,而C的意思更为强烈。所以选C



announce更接近于汉语“公布”、“告知”的意思,它所涉及的是一件对方原来不知道的事。如: The accident was announced to his family by telephone.已将事故用电话告诉了他的家属。The date of his visit has not been。

Efforts should be made to work out detailed and concrete measures,target genuinely poor households,and prevent the reoccurrence of poverty to those who had been lifted out.

"向浪费能源行为宣战" declare war on energy wasting.限制儿氧化碳的排放 restrict CO2 emission/ discharge



A declare war on B.就是A对B宣战~



精准扶贫targeted poverty alleviation

脱贫摘帽lifted out of poverty

既可以用on,又可以用upon。小题2:war memorial是固定用法,意思是战争纪念碑。小题3:注意breakthrough之前用不定冠词a。小题4:注意average之前用不定冠词an。小题5:注意history之前用定冠词“the”。小题6:注意不要把to。

贫困线 poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit

上一篇 2023年05月04 18:15
下一篇 2023年05月28 20:23

