

【图为相伴6年的《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice)书】

一、小说“风趣优雅,细致敏锐”,传递正能量。1995年由北京 外语教学与研究出版社 牛津大学出版社联合发行的 (著 Jane Austen 改写 Clare West ) 世界名著英国小说《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice),主要讲述的是当年远离英国伦敦的一小乡村(哈福德郡的浪博恩(the small Hertfordshire village of Longbourn)中产阶级家庭(班纳特先生Mr Bennet)5个女儿之一伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)与阔少爷达西先生(Mr Darcy)的恋爱故事。

《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感【一】 Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the rel。

小说主题表明,傲慢与偏见读后感英语300,尽管班纳特先生一家为中产阶级——年收入两千英镑,有宜人的宅子,生活堪称小康(had a comfortable income of two thousand a year,and a pleasant house in Longbourn),但是其主人(班纳特)死亡后,所有财产要被其远房男性堂兄(Mr Collins)继承。他的子女、妻子有可能一贫如洗(Mr Collins,Who will inherit all my property when I die,and may throw you out of this house as soon as he wants)。在这种卑微的社会地位、偏僻的乡村生活环境影响下,面对年收入两万英镑(是周家的10倍)、英国伦敦北部的富翁帅哥、自恃高人一等(不与乡下人、陌生人跳舞)、起初与好人彬格莱先生( Mr Bingley )谈论对班纳特(二女)伊丽莎白的感觉时,认为“她不够迷人,吸引不了我”(she’s not attractive enough to tempt me——讲这话时,被站立在喧闹的舞池远处的伊丽莎白本人听到);“她不过是土里土气的乡下姑娘”(she is only an unfashionable village girl),这样一个“傲慢”的达西先生向伊丽莎白求婚时,后者大发雷霆,认为是在羞辱她( “偏见”的情节展示——I might as well ask why,with so evident a wish to offend and insult me ),发誓世上男人死完了,也不会嫁给他( You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuade to marry)。 但结局两人终成眷属。 小说结尾,达西先生一方面承认错误,谦虚做人(I owe you a great deal for that ——达西先生坦言:全靠女友伊丽莎白的教训、帮助),一方面依靠真诚、社会关系、经济实力,对班纳特家(化解大女失恋;小女私奔,面临名声扫地)力挽狂澜,赢得意中人伊丽莎白的芳心( Elizabeth forced herself to speak,and immediately,though hesitatingly,gave him to understand that her feelings had changed so considerably since that time that she was now grateful and pleased to accept his proposal).

二、书中对班纳特太太(Mrs Bennert)的刻画有失公允 (不合情理)。小说有这么一段表述:“when he (班纳特先生)was young,Mr Bennet had made the mistake of falling in love with a pretty but foolish young woman . During the long years of their marriage ,he had had time to regret his mistake. He soon realized that his wife had little intelligence or common sense,and was only intersted in talking,shopping and finding husbands for her daughters. His expericen had made him rather bitter,and he could not stop himself mocking his wife,who never understood her husband’s sense of humour.”


篇一:傲慢与偏见读后感英文 Then man treat great event in one's life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of 。

为了巴结新来的邻居,班纳特太太以 “央求男人拜访”(I beg you to visit him); 以讲礼节——来了新邻居,家里的男人先去拜访一下是应该的(You know it’s correct for the gentleman of the family to visit new neighbour s first.)。 当班纳特先生 默默拜访了新邻居后,班纳特太太打算宴请彬格莱(Mrs Bennet planned to invite him to dinner).

Pride and Prejudice ", a novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story.The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story. Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bent。

当大女儿面临淋雨(生病),骑马上路后,一心企图攀附富人女婿的班纳特太太甚至心怀恶意,祈求上天保佑下大雨(I do hope it’ll rain heavily,my love !)。

结果,“太太”心想事成。简上路不久,大雨如注, “太太”独自庆幸(What a good idea of mine that was ! she said more than once ,extremely pleased with herself );第二天 简 淋雨感冒、应邀逗留(Jane had caught cold on her wet ride,and had been invited to stay at Netherfield until she recovered );发高烧严重(very feverish and unwell ) 、求医(The doctor came,and after examining his patient ,advised that she should stay in bed and tale some medicine.)、富人帅哥精心照料 ( Bingley ,indeed,was the only one of the group whose behaviour she was satisfied with )。

傲慢与偏见英语读后感范文一 The view of Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the b。

小说第11章 彬格莱重返尼日斐(Bingley returns to Netherfiled)——期间经历了内向的简小姐不善表露对彬格莱的爱慕之情(Jane is in love with Mr Bingley ,nobody will know ,because she always behaves at cheerfully and normally ); 彬格莱听信好友达西先生的片面之言,一度迁居伦敦北部,彬格莱与简的爱情搁浅。后因达西爱屋及乌,与伊丽莎白深交,了解实情,促成彬格莱与简“美梦成真”(Jane could not keep her secret from her sister,and kissing her ,cried ,“ I am the happiest creature in the world ! Oh,Lizzy ! I do not deserve this ! Why isn’t everybody as happy as I am !”)简忍不住(把彬格莱与其订婚)的秘密告诉了妹妹,吻了她,大声叫道“我是世界上最幸运的人! 噢,丽萃,我不配! 大家都像我一样幸福就好了!”

小说结尾 第12章 班纳特太太是大赢家。可以想象,后来她去探访彬格莱太太及谈及达西太太时,会是多么高兴与自豪 (Mrs Bennet was a happy mother indeed on the day when she got rid of her two most deserving daughters. It may be guessed with what delighted pride she afterwards visited Mrs Bingley and talked of Mr Darcy)

当你看到这里,你对小说中的“漂亮、愚蠢(with a pretty but foolish)”的班纳特 太太有何见地?


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