

拇指英语说, 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法。让英语学习变得更有趣,更简单。




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Isn’t it amazing how you can hear or read a story a hundred times and yet when you hear it again you learn something new? That happened to me recently when I reread the story below.

In the Middle Ages,a man traveled to a city where they were building a new church (教堂) in the square. He saw many people working on the great new building. He walked up to a strong man cutting rock and asked him what he was doing. “I am a stone mason,” the man said. “I spend all my days cutting and shaping stones.”

A wealth of knowledge

The traveler then walked over to a man sawing a beam (锯木头) high above him and called out the same question to him. “I am a carpenter,” the man called back. “I spend my days cutting and hammering (锤) wood.”

Finally,the man walked into the church. Deep inside the church walls,the traveler saw an old wrinkled (满脸皱纹的) woman sweeping the floor while she was singing happily to herself. He asked her what she was doing. “I am building a glorious cathedral,” she said.

不同的英语怎么说,I always read that story with a smile on my face. I saw it as a lesson in taking pride in your work and seeing the value in your job. But this time I felt something deeper in my heart. My mind cleared and I saw there was an even deeper meaning to this story. It wasn’t only about how you feel about your job but also about how you live your life. Each one of our lives here is a cathedral. Each choice we make is a stone we lay. Each act of kindness we do is a beam we hammer into place. Each moment of love we create builds it up higher and more beautiful.

【Treasure Box]

Word work

glorious adj. 辉煌的

value n. 价值

lay v. 铺设;放置

create v. 创造

回不知道丰富指的是动词还是形容词。 丰富的知识:rich knowledge 丰富(动词)知识:enrich knowledge

Isn’t it amazing how you can hear or read a story a hundred times and yet when you hear it again you learn something new?


点拨:Isn’t it ... 是反问的句式,并不表示对此有疑问,而是表示肯定的含义,起到强调语气的作用。

It wasn’t only about how you feel about your job but also about how you live your life.


e.g. My car is not only fast but also fuel-efficient.

Comprehension test

Choose the answer:

1. From Paragraph 1,we learn that _____.


A. the writer is going to introduce a story


B. the writer is tired of reading the story

C. the writer has read the following story 100 times

D. the writer is eager to read a new story

2. What kind of expression might be on the wrinkled woman’s face as she answered?

知识丰富,用英语:Rich knowledge 重点词汇:Rich 一、读音:英 [rɪtʃ]     美 [rɪtʃ]二、意思是:adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的 三、例句:1、The rich man left his son nothing i。

A. One of curiosity B. One of anger.v

C. One of pride. D. One of sadness.

A. One should take pride in work.

B. One should see the value of their job.

C. How they feel about their job.

D. How they live their life.

Vocabulary in use

Fill in the blanks:

4. __________ __________ __________ (那不是很神奇吗) that the baby learned how to sit up and crawl all by herself?

5. If you __________ __________ (碰巧) see him,please tell him to call me as soon as possible.

6. We gradually get to know ourselves better,believe in ourselves and __________ __________ __________ (为……感到骄傲) ourselves.


7. Schools and families play an important role in teaching students about the __________ (价值) of hard work.

8. The teacher encourages his students to __________ (创造) their own images.


1-3 ACD

4. Isn’t it amazing

5. happen to

6. take pride in

Rich knowledge。1、Rich 读音:英 [rɪtʃ],美 [rɪtʃ]。释义:adj.富有的;富裕的;富富庶的;富饶的。2、knowledge 读音:英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ],美 [ˈnɑ&。

7. value

8. create


上一篇 2023年04月13 17:56
下一篇 2023年04月17 07:26

