


The new mobile game sensation: 一款大火的新手游 (sensation常用来形容当下非常轰动的事)

Sheep a sheep: 羊了个羊的官方英语名

WeChat mini games: 微信小游戏

It was so popular that the game crashed a few times during its first week after launch: 游戏太火,上线第一周服务器宕机好几次


play 玩的英语说法2:have fun 玩的相关短语:玩游戏 play games ; Play the game ; play a game 玩雪 play with snow ; play snow ; Playing with snow 玩电脑 playing computer ; play computer ; play on the 。


Tile matching games: 方块配对游戏

Tile: 方块、也有瓷砖的意思

Sweep/Clear away tiles: 消除方块

Highly addictive and viral: 容易上瘾、传播力强

Addicted to this game: 对这个游戏很上瘾

玩需用英语怎么说,A big appeal of the game is its simplicity: “羊了个羊”的一大吸引力就是游戏很简单


Intuitive design: 设计直观

But simplicity doesn&39;s easy to win:但是简单并不代表容易赢

It's actually very difficult to win: 想通关非常之难

Insult one's intelligence: 侮辱智商

Level/round: 关

First level/round: 第一关

Second level/round: 第二关

Pass/Beat a level: 通关

The clearance rate is less than 0.1%: 通关率不到0.1%

1、玩的单词:play。2、玩手机中的“玩”字用英文可以说为:play with。玩手机的英文释义为:Play with the phone 或Play with the smarthphone 。3、出场;带;踢;击(球);走(棋子)等意思 play用作名词是,一。

In the first level,the difficulty is very low. It becomes dramatically more difficult in the second level: 第一关非常简单,第二关难度直线上升



Frustrated: 感觉挫败

Frustration: 挫败感

玩儿的英文是to play.玩儿,顾名思义,就是玩耍的意思。通常,人们在说话的时候,喜欢加一个儿话音,显得更加口语话。写作时,加上儿话音,显得俏皮而活泼!1、play”表示打球,后接表示球类的名词,不与冠词连用。。

Accumulate players' sense of defeat and frustration: 累积玩家的挫败感

Maximizes the players' sense of achievement: 提高玩家的通关成就感

Competition mechanisms: 竞争机制

Players represent the region where they're based: 玩家代表所在地域出战

Regional pride: 地域自豪感

Leaderboard: 排行榜


Strategies: 攻略

To game the game: 破解游戏

To game something: 把game变成动词,意思就是破解、或者找到极好的方法来做一件事,比如:

Game a test: 善于考试(不是作弊,而是通过押题、刷题、研究解题策略等方法考出好成绩)

上一篇 2023年04月16 05:32
下一篇 2023年06月05 11:11

