

文章转载自 21英语微商城 21世纪英文报

和人聊天时,聊了半天,最尴尬的是对方误会了你的意思,“说者无心,听者有意。” 这误会大了哈哈!

Let me rephrase that.让我重新措辞一下。

Sorry,that didn’t come out right.抱歉,我不是这个意思。

如果要地道的,就说:you took it wrong.一般的说:you get me wrong.或 you misunderstood me.

That came out wrong.我可能没说清楚。

很抱歉,误解了您的意思。I am really sorry. I misunderstand what you mean.

你总是误解我英文,How should I put this? You are allowed to decide whether or not you want to go to university. In other words,education is a basic human right for all.我该怎么说呢?你可以决定你要不要去上大学。换言之,受教育是每个人的基本权利。

How should I put this? You are allowed to decide whether or not you want to go to university. In other words,education is a basic human right for all.我该怎么说呢?你可以决定你要不要去上大学。换言之,受教育是每个人的基本权利。

我的意思是我们很早以前就已经发送定单给英国,但是没有收到发货记录.请您帮助我查询一下货物是否已经被发送?非常感谢您.--- I am sorry for being misunderstood.What I mean is that we sent to England our order fo。

This is not a typical ballad. Let me try to explain myself better. I was trying to say that this song doesn’t tell a story,which is a common feature of ballads.这不是一首典型的民谣。让我试着更好地解释一下。我想说的是,讲故事是民谣的一个特点,但这首歌没有讲故事。



上一篇 2023年04月22 14:53
下一篇 2023年05月19 03:02

