

Observe a child; any one Will do. You Will see that not a day passes in which he does not find something or other to make him happy,though he may be in tears the next moment.


Then look at a man; any one of us Will do. You Will notice that weeks and months can pass in which day is greeted with nothing more than resignation,and endure with every polite indifference.



Indeed,most men are as miserable as sinners,though they are too bored to sin - perhaps their sin is their indifference. But it is true that they so seldom smile that when they do we do not recognize their face,so distorted is it from the fixed mask we take for granted.


And even then a man can not smile like a child,for a child smiles with his eyes,whereas a man smiles with his lips alone. It is not a smlle; but a grin; something to do with humor,but little to do with happiness. And then,as anyone can see,there is a point when a man becomes an old man,and then he Will smile again.


It would seem that happiness is something to do with simplicity,and that it is the ability to extract pleasure form the simplest things - such as a peach stone,for instance. It is obvious that it is nothing to do with success. For Sir Henry Stewart was certainly successful.


It is twenty years ago since he came down to our village from London,and bought a couple of old cottages,which he had knocked into one. He used his house as weekend refuge. He was a barrister. And the village followed his brilliant career with something almost amounting to paternal pride.

幸福的英文是happiness。英 ['hæpinəs] 美 ['hæpinəs]n. 幸福;快乐;适当 例句:I desire happiness.翻译:我渴望幸福。短语:a cloud on one's happiness 幸福中的一点阴影 反义词 sadn。


I remember some ten years ago when he was made a King&39;d received a penal sentence.

happiness 读音为['hæpɪnəs],该词语意思为幸福、 高兴、恰当、合适。blessedness英['blesɪdnəs],幸福,恩赐。welfare英[ˈwelfeə(r)],幸福、安宁。eudemonia英[ju:d&#。


It was the same when he was knighted; he never smiled a bit,he didn&34;Blue Fox" .He took his success as a child does his medicine. And not one of his achievements brought even a ghost of a smile to his tired eyes.

I asked him one day,soon after he&39;s ambitions. He looked down at his roses and went on watering them. Then he said &39;s ambition is that you then realize that they are not worth achieving."


happiness 其他表达方式 名词 happiness 幸福, 快乐, 幸福感, 欢乐, 喜悦 felicity 幸福, 富临, 费利西蒂 形容词 happy 快乐, 高兴, 幸福, 开心, 愉快, 欢乐 幸福的英文例句 1、As long as you have a reasonable 。

Quickly he moved the conversation on to a more practical level,and within a moment we were back to a safe discussion on the weather. That was two years ago.


happiness 读法 英 ['hæpɪnəs] 美 ['hæpɪnəs]作名词的意思是:幸福;高兴;恰当;合适 短语:1、for your happiness 祝你幸福;为你的幸福 2、happiness consists in contentm。

And Sir Henry ran off,calling for his wife to come and see his achievement - his achievement of simplicity.


幸福:happiness;well-being。[例句]他不想给他们的幸福蒙上阴影。He didn't want to cast a shadow on their happiness.英语翻译技巧:1、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的。

上一篇 2023年05月03 08:53
下一篇 2023年04月13 01:43

