

domesticity ˌdəʊmeˈstɪsəti


濒危英语说法1:endangered 濒危英语说法2:be terminally ill 濒危英语说法3:near death 濒危的英语例句:它有权禁止任何有关于被视为濒危物种的国际贸易。It has the power to ban any international trade in a species 。


濒危物种英语是endangered species; CITES; Threatened Species;濒危物种指所有由于物种自身的原因或受到人类活动或自然灾害的影响而导致其野生种群在不久的将来面临绝灭的机率很高的物种。一个关键物种的灭绝可能破坏当地的食物链。

For more than a decade,America’s most prominent gay family have lived on ABC. Gay and lesbian television characters were once such a rare sight that GLAAD,an advocacy group,began an annual count,濒危英语简写,as if it were tracking an endangered species. Now millions tune in to “Modern Family” to see how Cam and Mitch are getting on raising their adopted daughter. Their portrayal of gay domesticity has been credited with helping to change attitudes and with boosting support for same-sex marriage.,

——《经济学人》 基本释义

Domesticity is the state of being at home with your family.

问题九:濒临灭绝的动物用英语怎么说? 濒临灭绝的动物: endangered animals 濒危动物:Animals in danqer;endangered species;endangered animals

n. 家庭生活


domestic adj. 国内的;家庭的

濒临: [ bīn lín ]1. on the verge of 2. close to Relative explainations:<verge> <verge on> <on the brink of> Examples:1. 若非你及时伸出援助之手,本公司将会濒临破产的边缘。Had it not been for your。

dome n. 圆屋顶

domain n. 领域;域名


domesticate v. 驯养;教化(使成为家里的)



Married. Obvious,really. Our Mayfly Man was trying to escape the suffocating chains of domesticity and instead of endless nights in watching the telly or going to barbecues with the awful,dreadful,boring people he couldn't stand,he used his wits,cleverness and powers of disguise to play the field.

濒危 [bīn wēi]第一种说法为endangered (species)第二种说法为to be in imminent danger第三种说法为to be critically ill 相似短语 endangered species 濒临灭绝的物种 endangered wildlife 濒危野生动物 endangered species o。


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