



First listen and then answer the following question.


新概念英语3第6课原文,Why is there no risk to the customer when a bank prints the customer's name on his cheques?

When anyone opens a current account at a bank,he is lending the bank money,repayment of which he may demand at any time,either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person. Primarily,the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor -- who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn. But,in addition to that basically simple concept,the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications but a bank customer,unlike,say,a buyer of goods,cannot complain that the law is loaded against him.

GORDON BARRIE and AUBREY L. DLAMOND The Consumer Society and the Law

【New words and expressions 生词和短语】

这是我在青年人外语考试网上找到的 新概念英语第三册的 第六课的 课文 Lesson 6:Smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫 Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。How did Mr. Taylor try to。

current adj. 通用的,流行的

account n. 账户

cash n. 现金

cheque n. 支票


debtor n. 借方

creditor n. 贷方

obligation n. 义务

A large car entered an arcade near Piccadilly and stopped outside a jeweller;'s. Two thieves got out and smashed the shop window. The owner of the shop was upstairs at the time,so he threw furniture at。

complication n. 纠纷

debit v. 把...记入借方

specimen n. 样本

forge v. 伪造

forgery n. 伪造(文件,签名等)

adopt v. 采用

facilitate v. 使便利


1. open a current account,开一个活期账号。


例句:The swimmer was swept away by the current.


例句:This button switches the current on.



例句:This word is no longer in current use.


current account=checking account,活期账户


例句:The president proclaimed that a new currency would be issued.


2. draw a cheque in favor of...,开一张以……为收款人的支票。

in favor of表示赞成,支持,有利于:If you are in favor of something,you support it and think that it is a good thing.


4.owe to欠人钱;归功于……。

①If you owe money to someone,they have lent it to you and you have not yet paid it back. 欠某人钱(或货物)。

例句:The company owes money to more than 60 banks.


②owe sth to...将某事物归因﹑ 归源或归功于……。


6课:http://www.llang.net/english/english15180.html 点开后全是英文 你可以用谷歌把网页翻译一下,可能不准确,但大概知道意思,看一下英文就可以了 有很多内容的 网址是新概念3教师用书上的,有一些书上的答案 我。

5.give rise to,引起,导致。

Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫 【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 smash-and-grab n. 砸橱窗抢劫 smash: (vt.)break sth.into pieces violently (vi.)The dishes smashed on the floor. smash into: 撞击到某处 。

和cause/ result in意思相近,但give rise to后面加名词。

例句:The man's furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen.


6.be loaded against...,于……不利。


load the dice against sb (通常用于被动语态):使某人处不利地位。

例句:Having lost both his parents when he was a child,he always felt that the dice were loaded against him.


7.in respect of关于,就……而言。

例句:The book is admirable in respect of style.


respected 被人尊敬的

respectable 值得尊敬的

respectful 尊敬他人的

respective 分别的,各自的


例句:It would facilitate matters if you were more co-operative.



3 but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.但他只顾忙着抢劫钻石,根本顾不上疼痛了。这里 help oneself to sth. 是“擅自取用,侵占某物”的意思。2.新概念英语第三册Lesson7课文注释 。

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