


一般参加会议,大家都会收到会议邀请(Meeting invitation),会议邀请会包含以下几个要素:



参会人员(participater and chairperson)

这里需要注意几个固定搭配,一般开会,我们说run the meeting; 一般设定会议日程,我们会说set the agenda; 而开会一般都是要做会议纪要的,会议流程安排英文版,这里用的动词要用take,而会议纪要,固定短语是meeting minutes,所以做会议纪要的正确表达方式是 take the meeting minutes。


会议开始(Opening a meeting)


呈现信息(Presenting information)

解决问题(Problem solving)

总结关闭(Sumarizing and closing)


As we all know,in order to ...(加目的) we are here to discuss the following issues. I hope we could...(加结果)

At the meeting,we will consider the proposal to...(加目的)

会展英语是:convention and exhibition exhibition 读法 英 [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən]n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品 短语:1。

The aim of the meeting is to...(加目的)

The purpose of today's meeting is to...

Our goal this morning is to ...

The reason for toaday's meeting is to...


kick off会议的意思是项目启动会议,也可以叫做开工或者开踢会议。据了解,举行kick off会议需要注意其中的具体细节:为启动会议做好准备, 肯定项目主管组织和领导的能力;赋予团队成员相应的权力, 指派他们相关的重要责任;。


I am glad you could all make it.

I am glad all of you are here. 这两句话翻译下来都是表达:很高兴大家今天都能来。

I assume you have already seen from today's agenda that we have three items for discussion. 我想你已经看过今天的会议日程了,我们有三个议题需要讨论。

1.the toastmaster introduce guests 2.the toastmaster anounce the meeting open, all stant up and sing the national song 3.may the tutor anounce the list of presidents and award letters of appointment.4。.

Since we have a very tight schedule,let's keep each item to 20 minutes. 考虑到我们日程比较紧,我们每个议题尽量控制在20分钟

Let's move to the first one. Who would like to start the ball rolling? 让我们先进入第一个议题,谁愿意先来说说。

好了,Open a meeting 需要用到的句子差不多介绍完了,以一个完整的对话结束这部分分享:

I am glad all of you are here. The meeting today is about agreeing on a strategy for the next 12 months. I will go over the agenda. First,I will go over what we hope to achieve in this morning's session. We will start by brainstorming ideas for 15 minutes in small groups of three. Then we will... Finally,we will..This could take about two hours... The meeting is due to finished at 3:00Pm.

会议流程 英文翻译 rules of procedure;



呈现信息(Presenting information)

解决问题(Problem solving)

总结关闭(Sumarizing and closing)

上一篇 2023年04月16 02:46
下一篇 2023年04月11 20:58

