










每节课上通过做大量的练习,讲解,提问,小黑板等方式,使学生们在作题的过程中掌握新知识,并能巩固原来学过的语法点,循序渐进的把英语知识,英国 文化 传播开来,增加学生们对 英语学习 的兴趣,从而不同程度的提高其英语水平。 三、课后。


初中英语教学反思篇一 根据我个人学习和教学实践,为了提高学生参与的积极性,激发他们阅读的兴趣。形成积极的 学习态度 ,发展学生探究学习和合作精神,从而提高学生阅读分析、判断能力。我在英语日常阅读课教学中不断地探索和研究,创造性地。



Self-Examination Examining ourselves is a very important part of our everyday lives. The best time to conduct a self-examination is at the end of a day.When we examine ourselves, we must seriously consider。



But when the activity is finished,I have time to rethink about it. It seems more and more interesting because of the book’s onion,articles from others who also participated in the activity,and the planning and details of the activity. So I come up with some ideas.

让学生虽不在现场也可以由身临其境的感觉,更好的体会文章的内容以及主人翁的语言环境,能够更好的接受自己的所学知识,并且能够学以致用,真正做到学英语、用英语。 小学英语课堂教学反思 篇4 20xx年xx月xx日,我县小学英语教师参加了。

First,I am more convinced that the contents are vital to choose a book. If you don’t like the contents,don’t waste your time to read. This book Women’s Positive Psychology has boring contents. When I read it then,the feeling was stronger.


Moreover,another key point of choosing a book is its publishing house and edition number. Disappointedly,the book doesn’t have a publishing house and it is sort of inner materials and customer comments printed by the company of “Qingyi New Education”. So without public check,this book is mysterious and shows little to us. For a person like me who didn’t take a course of “Qingyi New Education”,I don’t know whether it is valuable.

This activity was not all bad. The promoter put great effort in it and the financial issue was very clear. For example,the punish fund of homework delayed was invested to a charity program and the detail was shown in our wechat group.

Most people in the group supported the opinion of Women’s Positive Psychology since this book is suitable for their life stage.They mainly are born in 1970s,have married and got children. They didn’t believe that the book was short of logic and examples were too narrow. Their homework mainly talked about their life stories with their husbands and children,or big topics about education.

In the beginning of this activity,I was quite expecting to see high-level thinking. But after finishing the book,I was disappointed since the main idea is still women should be gentle and do things suitable for their gender. It is normal and lack of thinking. It is not worth of the slogan of new education and the high study fee.

1、每天晚上抽出十分钟时间背十个单词。2、用五分钟复习前一课的单词。3、做一篇英语阅读。4、每个周末背背句型,做其他的题。因为自己的意志力一直有所欠缺,所以总是不能按时完成制定的 目标,但我还是希望一个星期中,。


So the conclusion is clear that each one has an opinion which is most suitable for his or her environment. The only thing we can do is to have a better choice.

The articles I wrote were all about critical thinking. I was quite careful because I don’t want to use criticizing as expressing emotion and make others unhappy. I just said something that had evidence such as generalization,lack of logic and lack of examples.

The comments were out of my expectation. The promoter praised me for critical things and my articles have received some “likes”on website. I was more relaxed that I dare to volunteer my homework as the group best (apparently I received no votes).

What I learn most is why we should criticize and what the proper way to show criticize is.

The ultimate aim of criticize is not to change others in to a certain direction,but to keep ourselves free,comfortable and self-consistent. So showing ourselves is more important and influencing others may be serendipity. The book Women’s Positive Psychology didn’t give me much but the activity did.

上一篇 2023年04月18 01:00
下一篇 2023年06月06 04:22

