


advise 劝告;建议

advise sb to do sth:

The doctor advised me to rest for a few days.医生建议我休息几天。

advise doing sth:

I strongly advise buying the ticket at once.


allow 允许

allow sb / sth to do sth:People aren’t allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing.在南京,地铁上禁止人们吃东西。

allow sb sth:My father allows himself three cigarettes a day.我爸爸给自己规定,一天抽三根烟。

ask 询问;要求;请求

ask sb sth:They see a lady. They ask her the way.他们看见一位女士,向她问路。

ask (sb) about sth:They call me about twice a month to ask about my study.他们每个月给我打两次电话来询问我的学习情况。

ask (sb) to do sth:Kate asks her father to stop smoking.凯特让她的父亲戒烟。

ask (sb) for sth:Now I am writing to ask you for help.我现在写信请你帮忙。

agree 同意;赞同agree to do sth:Mum and Dad have agreed to have a party at home.妈妈和爸爸已经同意在家里举办一次聚会。

● agree on 对……达成一致

● agree to 赞同;赞成

● agree with 同意;赞同


begin (began,begun) 开始;开始进行;开始出现

begin doing / to do sth:Bill began learning / to learn to play the piano at the age of five.比尔五岁时开始学习弹钢琴。● to begin with 首先;第一

believe 相信 it is believed + (that) 从句:It is believed that the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.人们认为互联网有利也有弊。

believe ... to be sth: She was believed to be the first H7N9 patient in China.她被认为是中国首例H7N9患者。

● believe in sb / sth 相信某人 / 某事物的存在

● believe it or not 信不信由你

borrow 借;借入

borrow sth from sb: I borrowed some interesting books from my friend.我从朋友那里借了一些有趣的书。

break (broke,broken) 破碎,坏掉,打破,违反

● break away (from) 离开 (……);脱离 (……)

● break down (汽车、机器等) 出故障;垮掉;打破;消除;分解

● break into 强行闯入;突然……起来

● break off (使) 折断;中断

● break out (火灾、战争等) 爆发

● break up (使) 破碎;(使) 破裂

bring 带来;拿来

bring sb / sth with sb: Don’t forget to bring an umbrella with you.别忘了随身带把伞。

bring sb sth / bring sth for sb:Sports can bring us friends. / Sports can bring friends for us. 体育运动能让我们交到朋友。

与……相似的英文:be similar to、resemble。一、be similar to 英 [bi: ˈsimilə tu:] 美 [bi ˈsɪməlɚ tu]类;与…相似;类乎 This game will be similar to 。

与…相同英文翻译,bring sb / sth to sth / sb: Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?我能带个朋友去参加你的生日聚会吗?

● bring about 引起;造成

● bring along 带来;带上

● bring back 把…带回来;使回忆起;使恢复

● bring in 引入;赚得

● bring out 把……拿出来;使表现出

● bring up 抚养;养育;提出 (供讨论等)

buy (bought,bought) 买;购买

buy sb sth:I must buy myself a new sweater.我必须给自己买件新毛衣。

buy sth for sb / sth:I want to buy a red rose for my mother. 我想给我妈妈买一枝红玫瑰。


call 打电话;命名

● call back 回电话

● call off 取消

● call on / upon 号召;要求

● call up 打电话给

care 在意;关心

care about sth:

As a student,it’s very important to care about what we do in public.


care about sb:

He taught me to care about other people.


● care for 照顾;照料

catch (caught,caught) 抓住;捕捉;赶上;感染上;领会

● be / get caught in 处于困境;遭遇

● catch a cold 感冒

● catch sb’s attention / eye 引起某人的注意

● catch up (with) 赶上;追上

change 改变;更换

change (from sth) to / into sth:

The traffic light has changed (from red) to green.

交通信号灯 (由红) 变绿了。

change sb / sth into / to sth:

It only takes less than 30 seconds to change a car into a plane.


change sth with sb:

Can I change seats with you?


change sb / sth (for sb / sth):

This shirt is too small. I’ll have to change it for a bigger one.


choose (chose,chosen) 选择;挑选

choose (sb) to do sth:

Half of the students choose to go to big cities.


回你好。 英语词组为:The same as. 希望对你有帮助。

choose sb as / for / to be:

They chose Roy as / for / to be monitor.


come (came,come) 来;来到;到来;达到;处于

come to do sth:

Many people came to watch the birds.


● come across 偶然遇到;碰见

● come along 跟着来;出现

● come back 回来

● come by 顺路拜访

● come down 下来;下降

● come down with 染上

● come from 出生于;来自;产自

● come in 进来

● come on 快点;加油

● come out 出版;发行

● come out of 从……出来

● come over 来访;拜访

● come up (to sb) 走近 (某人);靠近 (某人)

● come up with 想出;提出

● when it comes to (doing) sth 在某方面;说到 (做) 某事

compare 对比;比较

compare A to / with B 把A同B作比较:

Compared with / to Fetion,WeChat is more popular now.


the same as 。 同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~ 祝您在新的一年一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美。

consider 考虑;认为

consider doing sth:

Have you ever considered studying abroad?


consider sb / sth (as / to be) sb / sth / adj :

He is considered (to be) one of the greatest writers in American history.


consider it + adj / n + to do sth:

Arabs consider it very bad manners to eat with left hands.


continue 继续;持续;延续

continue doing / to do sth:

If we continue making too much rubbish,the problem will only get worse.


She continued to work after her long vacation.


cost (cost,cost) 价钱为;(使) 花费

cost (sb) sth:

The dictionary didn’t cost me much money.


cost sth to do sth:

It costs 20 yuan to enter the swimming pool.

as same as。


cut (cut,cut) 切;割;剪;砍;割伤;剪短;削减;减少

● cut down 砍倒;减少;缩减

● cut in line 插队

● cut off 切掉;切断

● cut out 剪下;(从文字作品、文章中)删掉;剪出

● cut up 切碎;割碎


decide 决定;选定

decide to do sth:He decided to be a firefighter.他决定当一名消防员。● decide on / upon 决定;选定

depend 依靠;依赖;取决于

depend on 依靠;依赖;由……决定;取决于Your success depends on how hard you work at your lessons.你的成功取决于你学习的努力程度。

It / That (all) depends. 那得看情况。

— How long are you staying? 你打算待多久?

— I don’t know. It depends. 我不知道,那得看情况。

discuss 讨论;商议

discuss sth with sb Discuss the questions with your partner.与你的搭档讨论这些问题。

dream (dreamed / dreamt,dreamed / dreamt) 做梦;梦想

dream about / of sb / sth: I dreamed of / about him last night.我昨晚梦见他了。

dress (给……) 穿衣服;穿……的衣服

dress sb (in sth): Can you dress the babies for me?你能替我给孩子们穿衣服吗?

● get dressed 穿好衣服

● dress up (给……) 穿上盛装;(给……) 乔装打扮

Eeducate 教育;教导;培养educate sb to do sth:The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 to educate us to protect our planet.为了教育大家保护我们的星球,1970年庆祝了第一个地球日。

encourage 鼓励encourage sb to do sth: Mr Wang always encourages us to speak English in class.王老师总是鼓励我们课上说英语。

enjoy 喜欢;享受 enjoy doing sth: Kids there really enjoy playing football. 那里的孩子真的喜欢踢足球。 ● enjoy oneself 过得开心;玩得愉快

expect 预料;期望;指望 expect (sb / sth) to do sth:You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a few months.你不要指望在几个月内就能学会一门外语。

explain 解释explain (sth) to sb:

The teacher kept explaining the use of the idiom to me until I understood it.老师一直给我解释这个习语的用法,直到我弄懂为止。

explain (to sb) + wh- to do:

I can explain how to do it.我可以解释怎么做。

● explain oneself 说明自己的意思;为自己的行为解释


fail 失败;不能;未能

fail to do sth:

He looks so different that they fail to recognise him.


fear 害怕;畏惧

fear to do / doing sth:

My daughter fears to speak in public.


She fears walking alone at night.


feel (felt,felt) 感觉到;认为

feel sb / sth doing sth:

I felt a hand touching my shoulder.


feel sb / sth do sth:

I suddenly felt something brush against my arm.


feel it ... to do sth:

I feel it necessary to tell her about it.


● feel like (doing) sth 想要某物;想做某事

● feel at home 感觉自在;无拘束

find (found,found) 找到;找回;发现;认为

find sb sth / find sth for sb:


find sb / sth doing sth:

It is quite common to find her reading the newspaper.


find sb / sth + adj / adv / prep:

In Singapore,you’ll find a lot of food from China.


find sth + adj / n:

I enjoy learning English and find grammar quite easy.

答案是:as +形容词或者副词原级+as ;the same + 名词 + as ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~


find it + adj / n (to do sth):

I find it hard to speak English.


find out 查明;弄清 (情况)

① find out + wh- to do

② find out + (that) / wh-从句

the same as 是最常用的;你提问的“与……相同……”这个具体用法要看语境.比如,郭敬明和那棵小树一样高,都是一米四,翻译过来就是:Guo jingming has the same height as the little tree,1.4 meters.

finish 结束;完成

finish doing sth:

I finished cleaning the living room.


fit (fitted / fit,fitted / fit) 适合

fit in (with) 适合;(与……) 合得来;适应:

I’m a new student in this school. I couldn’t fit in well.


force 强迫;迫使

force sb to do sth:

You cannot force him to do what he does not want to do.


focus 集中;聚焦

focus (...) on / upon 集中 (……) 于;聚焦 (……) 于:

Please calm down and focus (your attention) on the test paper.


forget (forgot,forgotten) 忘记

forget doing sth 忘记做过某事:

I forgot telling her the news.


forget to do sth 忘记要做某事:

Don’t forget to send the emails this evening.



get (got,got / gotten) 得到;带来;到达;变得;说服;开始;渐渐

get sb / sth doing sth:

Can you really get that old car going again?


get sb / sth to do sth: I got him to change his idea.我说服他改变了主意。

get sth done: I’ll go and get my hair cut. 我打算去理发。

get sth + adj : He got his clothes wet.他把衣服弄湿了。

get doing sth: He got talking to a woman on the bus. 他在公共汽车上跟一位女士攀谈起来。

get to do sth:

After a while,I got to like him.


● get along / on (with) (与……) 相处融洽;进展

● get away (from) 离开;摆脱

● get back 回来;返回;取回

● get down (从……) 下来

● get in 进入;(飞机、火车等) 抵达

● get into 进入;陷入;养成 (习惯)

● get off 下车;脱下 (衣服等)

● get on 上车 / 马上

● get out (of) (从……) 出去;离开;摆脱

● get over 越过 (墙等);克服 (困难等)

● get through 通过;(电话) 打通

● get together 聚集;相聚一处

● get up 起床;起立

give (gave,given) 给;递给;赠予

give sb sth / give sth to sb:

I give my friends the red rose.


=I give the red rose to my friends.


give sb sth / give sth to sb:

Can you give me some advice?


=Can you give some advice to me?


● give a smile / shout / kiss / hug 微笑 / 大喊 / 亲吻 / 拥抱。

● give a call 打个电话

● give a talk / speech 发表演讲

● give a party / concert 举办聚会 / 音乐会

● give away 送掉;赠送;泄露

● give back 归还

● give in 让步;屈服

● give off 发出 (气味、光、热等)

● give out 分发

● give up (doing sth) 放弃 (做某事)

go (went,gone) 走;做

● be going to do sth

I’m going to study science.我打算学理科。 I think it’s going to rain.我想,要下雨了。

● go on

What is going on here? 这里发生了什么事?The concert went on for hours.音乐会进行了几个小时。

② go on doing sth: He was too tired to go on working. 他太累了,不能继续工作。

③ go on to do sth: After climbing the Great Wall,they went on to visit the Summer Palace.爬完长城后,他们接着去参观了颐和园。

● go about 从事;忙于;开始做

● go after 跟随 (follow);追赶

● go against 违反;违背

● go ahead 开始做 / 进行;[用于祈使句] 请吧;说吧;做吧

● go around / round 四处走动

● go away 走开;离开;外出

● go back (to) 回去

● go by 过去;走过

● go down 下去;下落;下降

● go for 努力获取

● go in for 参加;从事

● go off 离去;发出声响;爆炸;(机器或设备) 停止运转

● go out 出去;外出;(灯火等) 熄灭

● go over 仔细检查;温习

● go through 穿过;经历;通过;仔细检查


● go up (温度、价格等) 上升;增长

● go with 陪……一起去;与……相配

● go without 没有……也行

● go wrong 出毛病;失败

上一篇 2023年04月23 19:07
下一篇 2023年04月23 23:04

