

接触过雅思口语题库的同学们应该都知道,雅思口语题目是分不同话题的。雅思口语Part 1有三个必考话题(职业、家乡与住处),其余话题中也有一些高频出现的主题。



■ book 预定

例句:I booked a table for four at our favourite restaurant.

■ depart 离开

例句:He shook hands and then departed.

■ accommodation 住宿

例句:The prize includes flights plus seven nights' hotel accommodation.

■ check-in desk 值机柜台

例句:We meet each other at the check-in desk.

■ destination 目的地

例句:We arrived at our destination tired and hungry.

■ complimentary 免费的

例句:Parking is usually complimentary or included in the ticket price.


■ travel Agency 旅行社

例句:I called several travel agencies to compare prices before I booked a cruise.

■ tourist attractions 旅游景点

■ travel Documents 旅行证件

例句:E-passport represents the development trend of international travel documents.

■ Splash out 挥霍

例句:They splashed out £3,000 on a holiday.

Films,media and books

■ thought-provoking 发人深省

例句:This is a convincingly argued and thought-provoking book.

■ abstract 抽象的

例句:I an keen on abstract art.

■ e-reader 电子阅读器

例句:This book is also available in e-reader format.

■ from cover to cover 从头到尾

例句:I read that book from cover to cover in one day.

■ page turner 扣人心弦的读物

例句:Her latest novel is a real page-turner.

■ dreary 沉闷的

例句:That was such a dreary film,I nearly fell asleep during it.

■ to read between the lines 读懂字里行间的意思

例句:To understand poetry,one has to read between the lines.

■ to catch the latest movie 看最新的电影


例句:We love to catch the latest movie.


■ processed food 加工食品

例句:Eating more natural food is healthier than eating processed food.

■ quick snack 快餐

例句:I only had time to grab a quick snack.

PART 2 常见核心类话题:经历类话题 (过往经历、切身感受):过往经历可以是自己的,也可以是别人的,要注意用过去的时态;而切身感受要注意结合自己亲身经历的感受来回答,人物类话题 (老人、小孩、名人):人物类话题通常要考。

■ ready meal 即食餐

例句:Ready meals are increasingly popular,and are fast and easy.

■ dine out 外出就餐

例句:We rarely dine out these days.

雅思口语考试的高频话题分类:pressure, study, hobby, people, place, work, family, special skill 以及 shopping 这九大话题分类。 雅思口语第一部分高频话题,经常围绕考生的 Personal Information 展开,经常针对这一类考题所涉及到的话题。

■ mouth-watering 垂涎欲滴的

例句:For some,just a hint of chocolate is enough to get mouth-watering.

■ to eat a balanced diet 饮食均衡

例句:My mother always told me to eat a balanced diet.

■ to work up an appetite 促进食欲

例句:We worked up a real appetite climbing in the mountains.


■ litter 废弃物

■ become extinct 灭绝

■ dry up 干涸

8. 雅思英语口语Part 3易忽视的3个细节 9. 雅思口语答案参考:保护环境的人 10. 雅思口语关于事件描述常用的单词有哪些? 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐:特别推荐 为什么麦当劳一瓶冰露卖 7.

例句:During the drought the river dried up.

■ biodiversity 生物多样性

例句:It is generally considered that human exploitation of tropical rain forests causes major changes in biodiversity.

■ endangered species 濒危物种

例句:Some people pay a lot of money for endangered species.

■ paper recycling 纸张回收

例句:It seems particularly important to research the paper recycling.

■ poacher 偷猎者


■ hit the books 用功读书

例句:I had to hit the books that weekend.

■ fall behind with studies 学习落后

例句:I fell behind with studies when I had the flu.

■ goof around 游手好闲

例句:My friend and I spent the whole summer just goofing around.

■ learn something by heart 熟记

例句:The teacher told me to learn my speech by heart.

■ pass with flying colours 高分通过

例句:Samantha was rather nervous taking her final exam,but she passed with flying colours!

■ play truant 逃学

例句:Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from school.

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