

1. jolly [ˈdʒɒli]


happy and smiling

1. That day they got together and had a jolly time. 那天他们聚在一起热闹了一番。

2. She was a jolly,kindhearted woman. 她是个整天乐呵呵心地善良的女人。

2. heal [hi:l]


to make or become well again,especially after a cut or other injury

1. Time helped heal the old wounds. 时间有助于治愈旧创伤。

熊的英文是bear 读法:英 [beə] 美 [bɛr]释义:1、vt. 结果实,开花(正式)2、vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑 3、n. 熊 4、n. (Bear)人名;(英)贝尔 例句:1、She can bear off the blow.她。

2. This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean. 如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。

3. female [ˈfi:meɪl]


belonging or relating to women,or the sex that can give birth to young or produce eggs

1. We only employ female workers. 我们只雇用女工。

4. specialize [ˈspeʃəlaɪz]

vi.专化,特化 ;(in)专攻;专门研究;vt.使专门化;使适应特殊情况;详细说明

to spend most of your time studying one particular subject or doing one type of business

1. What did you specialize in? 你的主修科目是什么?

2. After his first degree he wishes to specialize. 获得学士学位之后,他希望专攻某科。

5. headquarters [ˌhedˈkwɔ:təz]


the main offices of an organization such as the army ,police or a business company

熊用英语表达:bear 1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。2、Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears。.

1. Several great guns from the headquarters are coming to see us today. 总部的几个大人物今天要来看我们。

2. The bank has its headquarters in Pairs. 这家银行的总行在巴黎。

6. unexpected [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd]


not expected

1. I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests. 我总保存些好酒,用来招待不速之客。

2. His promotion was unexpected. 他的升迁出人意料。

7. rage [reɪdʒ]


(a period of) extreme or violent anger

1. He went into a rage when he learned about it. 他听到这事后勃然大怒。

2. Haines got into a rage. 海恩斯勃然大怒。

8. jail [dʒeɪl]


a place where criminals are kept to punish them for their crimes ,or where people accused of crimes are kept while waiting for their trials

1. The castle had been used as a jail. 这城堡曾用作监狱。

2. If she carries on shoplifting,she'll end up in jail. 她如果还在店铺里偷东西,最终会被抓进监狱的。

9. closely ['kləʊslɪ]


in a way that is directly connected or has a strong relationship

1. We shall follow closely the development of the situation. 我们将密切注意形势的发展。

2. The two companies are closely tied up with each other. 这两家公司之间有密切联系。

10. liter ['li:tə(r)]


US for litre

1. The bottle holds a liter of beer. 这个瓶子装一升啤酒。

2. I was so thirsty that I drank a liter of iced tea. 我太渴了,竟然喝了一公升的冰茶。

11. coincidence [kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns]


an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time ,especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising

1. Did you think it was coincidence? 你以为这是巧合吗?

12. satisfactory [ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri]


good or good enough for a particular need or purpose

1. I hope this arrangement will be satisfactory to you. 我希望这种安排会使你满意。

2. After much discussion we came at a conclusion satisfactory to all. 经过充分讨论,我们得出了大家都很满意的结论。

13. fancy [ˈfænsi]


to want to have or do something

一、熊的英文是bear,音标英 [beə(r)]、美 [ber]。二、释义:1、n.熊;(在证券市场等)卖空的人;蛮横的人 Polly was playing with her teddy bear.波莉正在玩她的泰迪熊。2、vt.承担;忍受;支撑;生育 They。

2. I have a fancy that it's going to rain. 我想大概要下雨。

熊的英语:bear 读音:英 [beə(r)] 美 [ber]n. 熊 v. 忍受;负荷;结果;证实;生子女 词汇搭配:1、catch a bear捕熊 2、tame a bear驯熊 3、black bear黑熊 4、brown bear棕熊 5、polar bear北极熊。

14. dioxide [daɪˈɒksaɪd]


a chemical substance consisting of two atoms of oxygen combined with one atom of another element

1. The oxygen and the carbon combine to form carbon dioxide. 氧和碳化合,形成二氧化碳。

2. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect. 二氧化碳太多是道致温室效应的最主要原因。

15. adequate [ˈædɪkwət]


enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose

1. Though a bit too old,he is still adequate to the work. 虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项工作。

16. horsepower [ˈhɔ:spaʊə(r)]



a unit for measuring the power of an engine

1. The engine puts out thirty horsepower. 这台发动机可产生30马力。

2. Cars are normally rated in horsepower. 汽车通常用马力定级。

17. filter [ˈfɪltə(r)]


any of several types of equipment or devices for removing solids from liquids or gases ,or for removing particular types of light

1. Foreign influence began to filter into the country. 外国势力开始渗透进这个国家。

2. Charcoal is used to filter water. 木炭是用来过滤水的。

18. moreover [mɔ:rˈəʊvə(r)]


(used to add information ) also and more importantly

1. The rent is reasonable,and moreover,the location is perfect. 这房租合理,而且地点优越。


2. The task is difficult,and moreover,time is pressing. 任务艰巨,并且时间紧迫。

19. horizontal [ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl]


flat or level ; parallel to the ground or to the bottom or top edge of something

1. The lake has a horizontal surface. 湖面呈水平状。

“熊”的英文:bear 读法:英 [beə] 美 [bɛr]释义:1、vt. 结果实,开花(正式)2、vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑 3、n. 熊 4、n. (Bear)人名;(英)贝尔 例句:1、One has to bear a little。

2. On a map there are horizontal lines and vertical lines. 在地图上有水平的线和垂直的线。

20. primarily [praɪˈmerəli]



1. The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。

2. I am primarily interested in history. 我主要对历史感兴趣。

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