




Internal communication,also known as IC,refers to a group of processes responsible for effective circulation of message within an organization.These messages are information that is valuable to the organization and are supposed to be kept confidential(机密的).The means of transferring this information is often done through emails,letters,notice boards,and even with the help of social media like Skype,Zoom,and Google Meet in the current times.

Honest internal communication is the healthiest way to keep your organization growing.With honesty around the workplace,it is a safer environment for the employees to voice their opinions which could help in the modification of a certain operation that might have been outdated.Other than changes,not opening up to your colleagues can result in frustration and give rise to “gossip culture” at the workplace.When information is not passed out with lucidity,not only does the quality of work get affected but it also gives rise to questioning the worth of the time spent in the company.

An atmosphere of honesty also encourages growth in responsibility,英语泛读的目的,leadership,and self-accountability.If the CEO of a company voices the shortcomings of his team in a respectful manner,it would bring room for each and every employee to take it on a positive note and bring around the change for the one common goal of development of the company that they are working for.This brings a lot of changes in the attitude of every individual employee since they start seeing the company that they are working for as an asset that they cherish(珍爱) dearly.

In a workplace,things go both wrong and right,so it is important to both appreciate and criticize when such situations occur from the end of both the leadership and the employees.The positives should be celebrated while the negatives should be taken as positive criticisms that could help the company grow into something better.The main goal of unity and development should always be kept in mind.



5.Which is considered one main character of IC?

精读:intensive reading 问题二:请问"综合英语,精读,泛读"用英语怎么说? 综合英语: prehensive English,精读: in珐ensive reading,泛读: extensive reading 问题三:大学英语泛读3翻译 在线等待 不是有光碟的吗?光碟里面。

A.It comes with the times of social media.

B.It exists within the leadership of a company.

C.It is often kept secret within an organization.

泛读有时也被称为“分级阅读”或“持续默读”3. “为读⽽学”(泛读)时,往往是通过阅读获取知识来练习阅读技巧。例如,读故事书的⽬的是享受阅读,⽽⾮有意识地提醒他们正在学习。这种阅读。

D.It needs a long and difficult process in most cases.

6.What does the underlined word “lucidity” in paragraph 2 probably mean?





7.What is the third paragraph mainly about?


A.The main responsibilities of the CEO.

B.The importance of unity for a company.

就是普通意义上的阅读理解,提高阅读能力的,范的意思就是不注重单词、词组、语法、句型等细节知识点,追求整体领悟能力。 不是特别难,只要加强训练。祝你好运!!

C.The advantage of a powerful leadership.

D.The role of an honest leadership in a company.

D.Strengthening unity mainly among the employees.





上一篇 2023年05月10 15:00
下一篇 2023年04月17 05:14

