

一. 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。

1.If you explain to him,he will _____ (理解) you.

十分的感谢你用英语怎么说,2.You can't ____(想象) how difficult the math problem was,unless you meet it at exam.

3.Jenny,can you ____(打开) the door for us? It's raining heavily outside.

4.We felt ____(激动的) about the good news yesterday.

5.The poor man was ____(失明的) when the policeman found him.

6.My brother gets a ____(信) from his pen pal in Australia every week.

7.Mr Brown is good at ____(使固定) the shelf to the wall so we all like him.

8.How ____(聪明的) you are! You work it out first in our class!

Thank you very much.问题三:非常感谢您用英语怎么说? thank youverymuch 问题四:谢谢你 非常感谢你 英语怎么说 翻译:Thank you, thank you very much 问题五:我的电脑买了几年了,最近速度很慢,还动不动就定。

9.— Do you need any help,____(夫人)?

— Yes,I'm looking for a red hat.

二. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。

1.My bike is broken. Could you help me to r ____ it?

2.You don’t need to speak so loudly,I'm not d ________. I can hear you.

3.You will fail in the race if you don't work hard in the t____.

4.Your brother looks different from before. He c____ quite a lot.

5.He is s____ enough to carry the heavy box.

6.After a long j _________,they were too tired to walk on.


8.Although Mr. Smith lives alone in a small house,he never feels l________.

9.After working out the problem,he got a feeling of s________.


10.—Excuse me,sir. Smoking isn’t allowed here.

—Sorry,I didn't see the s ________.

三. 从方框中选用合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。



1.Mike had ____ in learning English well.

2.He ____ a bag of rice to the house just now.

3.A car runs on four ____

4.They raised some money to help ____ people.

5.Be careful! There are some pieces of ______ glass on the floor.

6.—Who is the ________ of the book?

—Lee is. His name is on the cover of book.

7.—What did you do yesterday?

—Jack was sick in hospital. I went to see him and _______ him up.


8.There is a ____ on the wall,saying &34;.

9.The boy jumped up and down with _______ when he heard the good news.

10.Thank you for your ________ to help me get out of the trouble.


[ fix up,look after,set up,give away,make a big difference,change one's life,clean up,give out,put off,cheer up ]

1.The movie star ____ 100,000 yuan to the village school three days ago.

2.We think the Internet is ____ these days.

3.We need to ____ the house before we sell it.

4.The guide dog ____ to the disabled man.

5.Wang Qiang’s dream is to live in Tibet and ____ a primary school there.

6.This street is dirty.Please ____ it ____.

7.They ____ the match because of the heavy rain.

8.Can you ___ the drinks,please?

9.He looks sad.Let's ___ him ___.

10.Can you help me to __ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong?



She ____ ____ ____ her money and borrowed some from me.


1、非常感谢用英语可表达为:thank you very much!2、其中,thank you是谢谢你的意思,而very much表示程度,是非常的意思。3、例句:The woman is obviously perplexed and musters up her courage, and says, Mahatma。

Thanks a lot ____ ____ me with my English so much.

非常谢谢你的英文翻译是thanks very much.thank的英式读法是[θæŋk];美式读法是[θæŋk]。作动词意思有感谢;谢谢;责怪。作名词意思有谢意;感谢。very的英式读法是['veri];美式读法是['veri。


She ____ _____ her mother _____ in everything.


I’ll ____ ____ ____ have a good job next week.



We ___ ____ what China ___ ___ ___ in the future.


My opinions are ______ ______ yours.


________ _______ ________ _______ me with housework.


It's wonderful for you to ___ ___ ___ such a good idea.


1. If everybody helps a little,it really makes a difference ______ our environment.

A. of B. to C. about D. from

A. hungry B. deaf C. lonely D. angry

3. Jack sometimes wants to ______ his job,because he finds it a little boring.

A. change B. understand C. choose D. catch

A. imagine B. expect C. decide D. notice

5. I think Jane finally chose history because of her ______ in the subject.

A. satisfaction B. promise

C. interest D. result

6.—It’s boring to walk alone here.

—You ______ go for walks with your friend in the park.

A. are able to B. have to

C. could D. must

7.In looks,your daughter doesn’t ______ you at all.

A. prepare for B. care about

C. take after D. hear from

一、1. understand 2. imagine 3. open

4. excited 5. blind 6. letter 7. fixing

8. clever 9. madam 10. trained

二、1. repair 2. deaf 3. training

4. changed 5. strong 6.journey

7.volunteer 8.lonely 9.satisfaction


三、1. difficulty 2. carried 3. wheels

4. disabled 5. broken 6.owner

7.cheered 8.notice 9.joy 10.kindness

四、1. gave away 2. changing our lives

3. fix up 4. made a big difference

5. set up 6.clean...up 7.put off

非常谢谢你的英文:Thank you very much。重点词汇:1、thank 英 [θæŋk] 美 [θæŋk]vt.谢谢,感谢;责怪,把…归于。2、you 英 [ju] 美 [jə]pron.你;大家;你们,您。

8.give out 9.cheer...up 10.look after

五、1. ran out of 2. for helping

3. takes,after,almost 4. be able to

5. made it possible; to finish


7.similiar,to 8.Thank,you,for,helping



上一篇 2023年04月23 08:58
下一篇 2023年05月10 01:04

